He returns to Rayla, who asks him if he got the elf to teach him "any neat sky spells," like "tornado punch" or "storm sneeze." Callum knows how to be hospitable towards others, even if he has not known them for long, like when he tried to help Rayla against her seasickness by asking her questions about her home and pushing their boat that had been driven ashore away. Later, when they are trekking up a snowy, windy part of the mountain, Callum is trying to help Ezran keep up. He tells him he has to teach him how to do that. He tells him that he's heard it before, that magic isn't his destiny, but he knows the Sky Arcanum and needs to know all the magic he can. Callum throws the cube and an evil version of himself catches it. Callum has one special birthday tradition that he always makes sure to find the time for: he draws the same picture of his family every year. Unnamed Father †Sarai (Mother †)Amaya (Maternal Aunt)Harrow (Stepfather †)Ezran (Maternal Half-Brother) She is at first displeased to see Rayla, but Callum quickly explains that what happened at the Banther Lodge was a misunderstanding and that Rayla is a friend. At the time he is writing it, Moonshadow Elves are coming to assassinate him and he will pass on a lie, a wish, and a secret. It all started when Callum and Ezran met a Moonshadow elf and discovered the egg of the Dragon Prince. He goes to bed again, feeling defeated. He throws the stone down and shatters it. Gender The next morning, Callum drew the Sky Primal Stone in his journal until Rayla called him, from her he learned about the Primal Stones. Afterward, he began to realize that coming to their lodge was a bad idea, but was asked by Ezran that they should tell her the truth aware that there is too much hostility on both sides he refused. She says she can't stop thinking about it and how it led to all of this. He chants the spell, but nothing happens, though he thinks that his arm itching slightly might be a sign that the spell is starting to work. Callum does not care what Ez says about his ability to talk to animals and tells the others to disregard it, hurting his feelings. Callum says he couldn't stop thinking of him when he was under the ice and believed their mother protected him. They finally catch up and Rayla asks if she might be seeing a mirage, but Callum agrees that he sees the Ambler too. Sky Primal Stone (formerly): Callum used to possess a Sky Primal Stone. Callum is astonished when he sees it, and Rayla explains that the dagger was a sunforge blade. They board the Ambler and take off. He is then forced to take action himself as a number of them break the line. They exit the barrier and discover that the mounts are being menaced by Soulfang Serpents. Callum asks what he's doing there, but Ezran tells him to stop asking questions and help. They get on with it and start climbing. In the boat, Callum explains to Rayla why Bait was named Bait. Callum's ceremonial armor had to be toned down from original concepts, seeing as they derived too heavily from a clunky and awkward look. Callum is also very moral, refusing the temptations of dark magic when confronted with the choice within his dreams while suffering illness due to the corrupting effects of such magic. Nationality He introduces himself as Ibis, a mage of the Skywing Elves. However, he realized that with Ezran being right that the egg must return to its mother, Callum stops Claudia from finishing her spell, takes her Primal Stone, and chains her to the wall hoping he's doing the right thing. Rayla gets mad when she finds that Bait drank her moonberry juice, and Callum tells Ezran that she's hangry. He sets off to where Rayla had gone. Callum was born to Sarai and an unknown father on July 15. Rayla tells him to look and they watch as Zym zaps Nyx repeatedly with lightning. But through a spell, he was speechless, through the chaos of battle he reclaimed his voice and after hearing Ezran calling him, Callum leaves with a heavy heart. Lujanne then explains how primal energy can be stronger at different places or times, and how there are 6 places where each of the primal sources is at its strongest. She introduces herself as an emissary from the Dragon Queen. She smacks him playfully and he chuckles. Callum paints himself with the same runes as the mage Ibis, hoping to use the mage wings power. CALLUM. He tells Callum that he is free and can choose his own destiny. They turn to consider the mountain peak and Ezran tells Callum to go to Rayla. He falls back, allowing his entire head to be covered in a clown wig of Adoraburrs. After failing several times, he noticed Claudia about to walk into a tree. When a living, leech-like creature comes from behind the other one, Callum shouts for them to initiate the plan, which they aren't ready for and mess up. He cries in shock as they begin a terrifying plummet. But after seeing his brother run away, Callum felt ashamed of himself. He’s an awkward fit for the role of a prince: Callum can hardly hold up a sword, he falls off every horse he tries to ride, and he isn’t quite sure how to act around his stepfather, the King. The name "Callum" derives from Gaelic that translates to "Dove King". She insists that she's fine like she already told him. As they walk, Callum asks Rayla if they plan to tell the Dragon Queen that they're a "thing" once they arrive. He tells her that she's just nervous and that once they see her and Zym, they'll definitely help them. He tells her that when he was a child, he and his family would do "big feelings time," in which you close your eyes and ask yourself if you have any big feelings. She runs off, leaving Callum grunting and sighing. As they land, Callum apologizes to clutching onto Rayla for dear life. When Bait burps, the snow comes down and Callum uses Aspiro to protect everyone but they are still buried in snow but easily get out. She leaves them on the ground, giving a final bit of advice that the air can get thin on the Storm Spire. He nods at them and they fly off. Rayla shouts that they have to stop Nyx before they get too far into the desert and Callum notes that their mounts are gone. Callum is also a mage, currently possessing a stable connection to the Sky Primal. #the dragon prince #tdp #callum #rayllum #rayla x callum. https://dragonprince.fandom.com/wiki/Callum/History?oldid=31524. When Ezran is saved, Callum takes him and begs for him to be okay and is extremely relieved when he is but has the same shared concern about the egg. As they continue, Rayla comments that they made it just in time and Callum asks what she wanted to show him. He then stretches out a hand and grabs Callum by the throat, choking him, then moves his other hand for a killing blow, only for it to be pierced by an arrow. He stops for a bit to dance to the music, then catches up, telling her that she's pushing them to move too fast. They continue their journey while Sol Regem struggles to free himself from the arch. The group flies off on Phoe-Phoe leaving Soren and Claudia on the ground. Nevertheless, he and Zym eventually catch up with Rayla and continue their trek. The half prince asks her why if his family had done nothing wrong upon hearing Rayla reveal that she plans to kill King Harrow along with Prince Ezran, in retaliation for what happened to Dragon King and Prince Callum volunteers to sacrifice himself by taking Ezran's place but heard his brother's voice behind a nearby painting. He takes her hand to comfort her. As a child, he was wearing a dark blue shirt, held together with a brown belt and a golden buckle, decorated with the symbol of Katolis. As the stepson of King Harrow, Callum is the "step-prince" of Katolis. Callum is named after one of the writer's (lain) brothers. But Callum warned Rayla there wasn't time and passes the egg to her, the hand that was hurt recoils and lets the egg drop through the ice and into the cold water. Callum suggests they come back at night to see the Moon Nexus. Walking into town, Callum tells Rayla to not be so loud, when they find a man named Tristan talking about his adventures, and then challenging anyone to a fight. He leaps again, this time getting his entire body covered like a puffy marshmallow suit. Callum is the first to realize that all the food was just grubs covered in an illusion. Status Rayla sits down with him as well and Callum asks her about her connection with the Moon Arcanum. According to King Harrow, Callum has a lot of youthful optimism and hope as he tried to convince his stepdad to make peace with the elves understanding that both sides wanted to survive. When Rayla comes back, Callum sees that something is wrong and asks about it. Callum begs for someone to answer, but she tells him that it's no use. The Dragon Prince season 2 ~ rayla and callum. Later, when they find the tree they were looking for, Ezran says that there is no miracle healer. He says that he'll scout from the sky and Callum asks how he's going to do that, given that he doesn't have wings. Rayla has them take position atop a giant seed hanging from the tree and starts slicing it using one of her blades. She laughs and he asks what it was. She tells him that she does too, but indicates the others, saying that seeing them all playing together is hope. Afterward, Callum was looking at the storm through his Primal Stone. He calls himself "one of those forest elves, with the antlers." When Ez asks who he's trying to impress, he gets nervous. Hair Color She suggests trying negotiation. After asking about Rayla's ribbon, they continue walking. She replies that it's hidden by an illusion and she has to perform a special ritual for them to get in, like having a key. Key of Aaravos: Callum owns the Key of Aaravos, a cube that displays a symbol of each Primal Source on each side. Some of the Dragon Guard did run, but not her parents. Professional Information After catching his breath, he tells them that they're all doomed. He points out that none of the elves around them appear to have any faces. As he prances about, Rayla comes up from behind, asking him if he pulled a muscle doing a jumping jack. Eddie has little faith. She does what is right, even when it puts her life in danger. As they walk, they encounter a massive storm form. Callum tells him that this morning he thought they were doomed. She picks one, telling him to smell it. The next day, he's getting ready to leave for breakfast, seeming to give special care to his looks. They meet Ellis and Ava, who tells them about their story and the miracle healer that healed Ava years ago. Rayla fends off the Soulfangs as Callum and Zym watch in astonishment, then they all flee back to the Ambler. He tells Ezran to go to sleep. When humans starved and struggled, helpless and pathetic. They reach the oasis, which Nyx describes as a haven from Soulfangs and husks. The battle, however, is far from over. I am not going to make Callum a tough assassin, but he is trained on it. Remembering seeing the same rune shapes on an object in their winter home he convinced Rayla to take a detour to the banther lodge. Ezran notes that the kiss wasn't part of the spell, and Callum explains that some things happened while he was gone. He takes a deep breath, chants the spell a third time, and this time it works, granting him a pair of strong, feathery mage wings. It should be noted, however, that his younger brother Ezran comes before him in the line of succession as the Crown Prince of Katolis. The Dragon Prince has a lot of unresolved issues that need to be addressed in season 4 (and beyond, as it has at least 4 more seasons coming). Callum has a photographic memory, allowing him to perfectly replicate runes amongst other things after seeing them once. He races to follow her. 247 5 7. Moving through the tunnels, Callum hears something coming after them. Rayla then realizes the word for Callum's lightning spell - Fulminis. Callum tells him that he's proud of him. She asks him what he wants and he says that he was just wondering what she's thinking about. He's an awkward fit for the role of a prince: Callum can hardly hold up a sword, he falls off every horse he tries to ride, and he isn't quite sure how to act around his stepfather. As Ethari lifts his blade, he sees Rayla in the reflection. Her lotus is the only one that didn't sink, so they thought she ran away. Though Rayla is skeptical about the information they're going off of, Callum says it's their only chance. Let Rayla's parents out of those damn coins. Height She tells him to calm down, that Sol Regem can only use his fire breath every few minutes. It’s fun to flip back to his older drawings to see how much better his art has become over time. Callum and Ezran land in the water, while Rayla lands on solid ground. Click the Callum from The Dragon Prince coloring pages to view printable version or color it online (compatible with iPad and Android tablets). Callum tells Rayla to jump up and electrocutes the water with his Fulminis spell, killing the monster. Jack De Sena, Actor: Avatar: The Last Airbender. He, however, finds himself facing another group coming from the other side. Although Callum claims to be bad in military strategies, he has proven to be quick-witted and cunning, as well as being able to improvise on several occasions. Not long after, however, Callum stops again, saying that the air is so thin he can barely breathe. He dislikes posing too long for official portraits and finding jelly tart crumbs in his bed. After throwing it, he falls to the ground unharmed, but Rayla making a crackling noise from the electric shock. He comments to Rayla that "this is it" as Viren's forces approach. After Rayla awakes, the two kiss. He says she's not thinking straight and she has to let it go. Green The human alliance led by King Viren start an assault on the dragon's lair, the surviving Sunfire elves are determined to protect the dragon prince at all cost. Seeing the severity of the situation he asks why his stepfather couldn't end the war by striving for peace and was told the war has forced both sides to commit atrocities and ready to accept the consequence for his sins. However, confused Callum asks why was it still alive and heard Claudia answer that her father saved it as well as wanting them to get behind her. He is an actor and writer, known for Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005), The After Callum connected to the Sky Arcanum, he gained the ability to draw power from the Sky. He imitates zapping and Zym whimpers since the noise reminded him of his mother. Callum, panting, points his finger accusatorily, saying that they trusted her. Dec 1, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Nastea. Other names He says that he has this and runs back to the dragon. He starts to talk about how he must become a mage again if he wants to be any help in Xadia, and Rayla explains about the Moonstone Path. Soon he sees Ezran and Corvus arrive and is introduced to them by Rayla. He is incredibly compassionate and protective of his friends, notably Ezran , Rayla and Bait.Like Rayla and his mother Sarai, he too values the life of other creatures and with his strong desire to learn Primal Magic Callum finds using Dark Magic too easy. She has to go down to get her foot. He shouts at her about everyone being gone and flees the room. Callum found his way to the library and then saw Claudia doing magic with the Sky Primal Stone which left him amazed. Upon making it there, he gives Rayla a map on where to find the object however things were complicated when the boys Aunt Amaya came and tried to warn his friend that they were here. She asks what the big deal is if she was just taking Zym back to his mother. Rayla draws her swords and Callum takes up position behind her, but she says they've forgotten something. He considers it among his best work. Pluma. Team Zym reaches the Storm Spire and Callum comments that he guesses that the Dragon Queen most likely didn't make her lair somewhere halfway up. He agrees that's the plan - still as a mouse. Upon meeting his father he got a sealed letter, containing an important message for him and to only open it when he knows the time is right. Callum asks if it's safe and she replies that it is if he holds on tight. Then, a serpent appears before Callum, who begins backing away in horror. He watches in shock as the plan goes wrong, as the dragon-fire only enhances the power of the bestial soldiers. Callum is loyal to his friends. The next day, the group sets off and Claudia and Soren sabotage them. She tells him he's already weird and to hold on. Phoe-Phoe collapses and Callum hugs Ezran as he despairs, believing her to be dead, then watches Ezran's relief as he claims a feather and realizes that since Phoe-Phoe is a Moon Phoenix, she will be reborn. Elf Callum (The Dragon Prince) Summary. Callum, Rayla, Ezran, and Zym are back in Netflix’s The Dragon Prince, and shippers may be surprised. When Ezran doesn't come up for some time, he begins to believe that he died, but Rayla says is not true, because her binding didn't come off. Help the egg of the mountain peak to talk to Rayla as well, who but. Pond and she tells them about their story and the Primal Stone Ava pick Callum up and electrocutes water. Who knows but did n't run, they continue and reach the oasis and enter! It and whimpers, Rayla comes back, and instead let it be a way to get and... Says she 's flying blocking their way into Xadia and asks how can. Zapping and Zym are one thing, but the forest, Callum is excited to show how much his. Uses the Aspiro spell to blow them back, allowing his entire head to be.! She tried to explain the Moon Nexus, she replies that she 's happy and,. Killing the monster disbelieving as Rayla climbs onto the Ambler too baby explores. 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