Illness is another reason why your dog may be panting. Sometimes dogs aren’t as complicated as we think. I assume that you do the same since you’re reading this. My dog (a mix of bishon and shitzhu) is 10 years old and today she has been acting strange. when you are moving furniture around or there are children playing around in the house. Cats withdraw suddenly from life and hide the day away when something is just not right in their universe. It’s up to you to change their behavior and help them feel more comfortable in your space. David Codr of Dog Gone Problems discusses possible reasons for the change. Lethargy. There are a lot of negative reasons that a dog might hide in the closet, and it’s important that you get to the bottom of it. You need to comfort them, understand what’s going on, and try to correct the situation. The most frequent reasons a dog is hiding and acting strange include: Disease; Cognitive dysfunction syndrome; Fear; Remorse; Disgust; Discomfort ; To best work out why your dog is hiding or behaving irregularly, you will need to look at the overall context of their behavior. The sister, Sushi, has been hiding in my bedroom for months now. He is old and has a few possible tumors on his body. Answered in 7 minutes by: 12/6/2010 . January 8, 2021. When All You Want To Do Is Hide In A Closet… holes in the backyard, beneath piles of clothes, and under the couch cushions. Some owners report that their dog likes to hide behind a door, under furniture, or in a closet. He normally slept on bed or chair. The basic idea is that your dog goes to the closet because they perceive it as a safe place they can go. Understanding why your pet keeps hiding is important as it will help you decide whether or not a vet’s attention is required as well as take respective measures to stop the behavior. Why is my dog drooling so much suddenly? Before they were domesticated, dogs living in the wild knew that appearing injured made them and their pack vulnerable. Hiding in the closet is a sign of depression in your dog. It might even be one of the quietest areas in your home because there’s no function for a closet besides holding clothes. Reasons Why Your Dog Is Acting Strange and Hiding. If it’s not physical, it’s likely emotional. 8 Answers. As Vogelsang, however, says, “The jury is still out because the drug is so new, but early results are promising.”. Hiding under beds, tables, or other furniture is a common behavior in many dogs. How many dog owners have asked this question at one point or another? There are so many different reasons why your dog might be acting strange and hiding. Understanding why your pet keeps hidingis important as it will help you decide whether or not a vet’s attention is required as well as take respective measures to stop the behavior. the other night i woke up to my 6 year old retriever sleeping in my walk in closet on the wood floor and the light was on. Others like to cuddle up with them while watching TV. She is shy and there are 2 other females in the home. For many dogs, that means a confined space like your closet. Experience: DVM degree from Ontario Veterinary College. Yet, there are other reasons for this behavior as not every dog loves to be contained to a small area. Why Do Dogs Like To Hide Under Beds Mental Floss. Unfortunately, dogs can’t tell you what had made them so scared, until someone invents that dog-to-human translator. Alternatives to Hiding If your dog only hides the bed once in a while, you might consider just letting him do it. The sound starts getting louder as if someone is in there. In some cases, however, the issue may be a behavioral problem or even an illness or injury. Just as human beings may sweat excessively when they are ill, a dog may also pant too much when they are not feeling well. my cat has been acting MEGA affectionately towards me. Some pet owners like to play around with their dogs. Being in a contained space can bring a content and safe feeling to your dog’s presence. Some of the time, it does. Why Do Dogs Hide Bones, other Foods, and Toys? This instinctive hoarding behavior still manifests in pet dogs when they feel they have excesses of food or toys. Dr. Gene, Veterinarian. My dog is reclusive; what could be wrong? You might consider a vet visit to make sure he's not … Lethargy. I've noticed it the most from today to about 4 days ago at the most. For example, if you know your dog doesn’t like bitter apple or something else, apply it in all the preferred hiding points e.g. If this is the case, there is a good reason for it. There are many more reasons why dogs bark aside from these common barking scenarios that you’ll likely encounter. Petter Häggholm & Cindy Ludwig both have the correct answer. For dogs, a safe space will usually be dark and relatively small. This behavior stems back to the early days of canines. The biggest cause that would make a dog hide is if they get scared of something. Below are some of the most common triggers for dog hiding and related behaviors: Dogs most commonly hide because of fear. can scare dogs and make them hide in areas around your house or yard where it feels safe. inject her as in the past. That’s the real question here. nowI am in a panic…Help. They could just be relaxing in this space. 1 decade ago. Pet Closets And Supply Storage . Medical: Start by ruling out any medical issues. For new dogs that experienced abuse in the hands of the previous owner, you may notice a tendency to hide in suitable places where it feels are dark and safe enough for the first couple weeks or so. A lot of dogs will go to a closet to hide after being scared. A warm, dark place to sleep reminds them of their puppy days and their ancestral roots at the same time. The closet gives them a safe option to do that. Your dog might retreat to your quiet closet to just relax. Anytime a dogs behavior suddenly changes, it's cause for … Where this is suspected to be the case, a visit to the vet will ascertain the exact cause. 2. Why does my dog go into the closet? Your dog can also hide from the vet over the fear that he/she might do something painful to her e.g. Other Reasons Why Your Dog Is Staring at the Wall Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome and seizures are the more common medical reasons why dogs stare at … Louisville Woman Finds Neighbor S Missing Dog Hiding In Her Closet News Wdrb. It could be as simple as that. There are a lot of perfectly normal reasons why dogs like to hide. Injuries and illnesses often have no apparent symptoms, like a limp or a cut. 5 Common German Shorthaired Pointer Health Concerns . However, keep an eye on them if it starts suddenly since not all comfort-seeking behavior is healthy. ( She used to be box trained, now she won't Before he died, I would find him in odd places of the house. If they’re otherwise happy and enjoying their regular activities, you might have nothing to worry about. There are various types of fears stemming from different life experiences. Growling or crying when you pick her up or come near her hiding place. In junction with being a confined space, a closet is also quiet. Instinctively, they tried to hide their injuries. Such symptoms … If your kid is sad, you don’t kick them out of their room and expect them to feel better. Remember that dogs used to live in the wild. Category: Dog Veterinary. As it hides, your dog could be getting dehydrated since it is not drinking enough water. Is it a person or just my imagination? If your dog keeps hiding under the bed, it may as well be just because she feels comfortable there. Sick dogs are often lethargic. Always Take Dog Body Language Into Account. A little bit of training and praise goes a long way in this case. The bad thing is that your dog might continue to be fearful of loud noises for weeks or months after the initial event. Your best bet is time. You will know your dog is afraid if it shows signs such as trembling, enlarged pupils, excess panting, and growling when approached in his hiding place. He uses to “go to bed” to wait for his kong treat before I left the house. Please assign a menu to the primary menu location under menu. Certain breeds are more susceptible to anxiety than others including Chihuahuas, poodles. Truthfully, who doesn’t like a little peace and quiet from time to time? A good couple of months ago, she started jumping in my closet where i keep my cloths, and sitting on the school p.e bag i have on a shelf in there. He ate breakfast and his dinner…. He basically owned the couch. By hiding, the dog feels safe knowing that nothing will drop on them and nobody will accidentally trample on them. My dog seems lethargic and wants to hide in my closet or under my desk - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. spaying. If your cat all of a sudden decides to start hiding for long periods of time or changes her hiding behavior, you will want to make a trip to the veterinarian to make sure everything is ok. Well, recently [im not sure how recently, anything from a month ago to now.] Your Dog is Scared of Loud Noises. “Any change in the regular behavior of your cat, including the desire to hide—or if hiding interferes with daily activity that your cat needs to do, including eating, drinking, and using the bathroom—could be a cause for concern,” Koski says. *. For the past couple days, my dog has been panting a lot and hiding in small places, especially the little shelf in the computer desk. There are a lot of negative reasons that a dog might hide in the closet, and it’s important that you get to the bottom of it. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Why is my dog hiding under the bed, under the couch, in the closet, in a dark corner, or in stuffed animals? behind the couch, in dark corners, etc. Petter Häggholm & Cindy Ludwig both have the correct answer. Enough trauma and this fear of fireworks could translate to a fear of any loud noise. Probably more than a few. It’s not uncommon for dogs to go to a quiet place to be alone when they’re really sick or they feel their body starting to shut down. Dogs who suddenly start spending time in your closet are seeking out extra comfort. While this behavior is common among dogs, it’s important to diagnose the cause quickly as there could be something that’s stressing your dog out. Recently my dog has been hiding in my closet whenever i'm not in the room with him, he's never done anything like this bf, what should i do? It’s hard to beat the loyalty, wit, and caring nature of the German Shorthaired Pointer. and toys in the soil, under piles of clothes, and in other ideal spots around your house and yard. When a dog thus decides to hide under the bed or couch for hours at a time, it becomes a point of concern. 5) Excessive Chewing. In the wild, food was a scarce commodity and the dog that was lucky in his hunting endear often encountered competition for his food from other dogs in the pack. Of course, not every reason is negative. Other than illness and injury, dogs can hide due to pain after a surgery e.g. They are using this space because it helps calm them down for one reason or another. These include: If your dog keeps hiding and won’t come out and also shows one or more of these signs, it is best to seek the attention of your vet. Satisfied Customers: 2,697. You should suspect illness or injury if your normally friendly dog suddenly stops playing around and socializing with people (e.g. Canine Storm Anxiety Pet Health Phary. My dog is doing same. According to says San Diego-based veterinarian Jessica Vogelsang, dogs are routine animals and you should thus not be surprised when your do responds normally to a doorbell but run into hiding upon hearing thunderstorms. Also, give her treats and give her a lot of attention. Any measure aimed at making the hiding place inaccessible can also help to stop dog hiding behaviors. Dogs with serious phobias to noise and change could take to hiding under the bed to escape loud noises. Probably more than a few. Years ago, my dog did that. Why is my dog sleeping in the closet? My 7 yr old male has suddenly stopped jumping on bed or chair. If you approach them and they’re happy to see you and not acting strange, then it could just be that they like to hang out in the space. Why is my dog hiding in the corner? It may be a closet, a crate, or even under your bed. You’ll get the answers you’re looking for and much more in the next few sections. For whatever reason, if your dog likes being in the closet, then they might make it their new hangout spot. This then stops anxiety and feat associated with events such as thunderstorms and fireworks. There are a lot of reasons why your dog might start suddenly hiding in the closet. Your dog could be hiding behind the couch or under the bed because it thinks you like it when she does that. 5 Common German Shorthaired Pointer Health Concerns . If you close off your closet, it will just make them even more scared and unsafe. I have 4 cats. If there are loud noises going on, your dog will look to escape and find a quiet area to center themselves and get back to normal. Now, my other dog Florie, who is 12 (kodi was 14), she is also sleeping in weird places. They are hard-wired with a fight or flight mechanism that is engrained in their brain. What Are Some Common Causes of Dogs Hiding? Is it a person or just my imagination? Your dog is suddenly panting and shaking due to injury and pain. 15 Pet Nooks And Built Ins. Why is my dog hiding under the bed, under the couch, in the closet, in a dark corner, or in stuffed animals? In conclusion, dog hiding behaviors may or may not be a sign that your dog is sick or depressed. It also often occurred that the prize was so large to gobble down in one sitting. If you rescued your dog, there’s no telling what happened in their history. He is a normally cheerful chap who goes out for his … You are better safe than sorry. However, when you find yourself asking why suddenly your dog starts hiding in the closet, this might cause more worry to you than most. The key to understanding your dog’s barking is to look at their body language and then for the stimulus causing the bark. However, just like any other dog, the breed comes with its own set of health concerns that any Rottie pet parent should be aware of. 2. She is also scratching and digging at the floor. terriers, also enjoy spending time in burrows and the poorly lit area in the closet or under the bed may simulate such environments. Finding your dog in your closet for no reason whatsoever and not wanting to socialize might be a sign your dog is depressed. 7 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Acting Scared All of a Sudden. It could be as easy as convincing them to come out of the closet with some treats and praising them when they do. She's either really sick or a lot of times when dogs go off hiding by themselves, it usually means that they are dying. My cat has been hiding in closet for about a month. It’s not unusual for a dog to spend the whole New Year’s Eve hiding under the bed or the closet once the festivities begin. Playing soft music during a thunderstorm can also help to calm your dog and stop it from hiding. It’s natural for dogs to salivate in response to stimulation, but an overproduction of saliva could be the sign of a health problem. Just like in humans, depression in dogs needs to be managed and dealt with. The glamor marking the celebrations on Independence Day – July 4th – culminates in fireworks at night and many frightened dogs turn on the instinct to run away, eventually getting stranded on the streets. The sound starts getting louder as if someone is in there. As a result, Rover might dash to his hiding place whenever something noisy is going on in the house. To stop your dog from hiding bones, carrots, etc., avoid being so generous with treats. But you have to understand that change in behavior and hiding have many probable causes. Should we try to coax him or just leave it. They could have experienced trauma, be going through pain, or have depression. A thundershirt helps to calm your dog by continuously applying gentle pressure on your dog’s body. Why does my dog sleep in the closet? His appetite is ok. Answer Save. Although some dog breeds are timider than others and therefore more likely to hide when scared, there may be a historical perspective to certain cases of fear in dogs. When a dog hides in a closet or a quiet room of your house it’s usually because he’s ill or injured. Anonymous. Others like to cuddle up with them while watching TV. Here are the most common reasons for dogs that hide in closets. old) had fresh blood at the end of her stool. I have a new cat in household also. For example, your dog might be hiding under the bed to avoid being picked up, which could be related to pain or fear. One of the most common triggers for flashes of anxiety in dogs is fear. The sister, Sushi, has been hiding in my bedroom for months now. How many dog owners have asked this question at one point or another? Helping your dog feel calm and relaxed will quickly stop their new behavior of hiding in the closet. There are other, more concerning reasons why your dog could be hiding under the bed, including anxiety or illness. Dog hiding behaviors go beyond hiding themselves. If you're normally sociable cat is suddenly hiding, here are a few possible reasons why. Update : When i enter the room he stays in the closet until i come over there and then leaves and starts panting, otherwise though he seems fine: he is still loving, eats normally, and occasionally plays. Why do cats disappear when they are about to die. If your dog is suddenly displaying these symptoms without a clear cause, a call to your vet is the next step. You become more perplexed. Don’t worry. My old dog is seeking hiding places (under desks, bathtub, corners) all of a sudden. The dog was ultimately adopted together with all her puppies. 1. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Why? I am going to take the kong away when I return, and I’m going to try to get him more exercise. iv had her since she was a puppy in the same house and shes never gone in my closet or shown any interest. She can sense that there is something new coming and that things are now different. Poor health may also explain why you see your dog hiding under the bed or in the closet, more so it if simply won’t come out or eat. One option is to use positive reinforcement techniques to guide the dog out of the hiding place and stop the behavior completely. For thunderstorms and fireworks-related fear and dog hiding, a thundershirt can be helpful. If your dog doesn’t like fireworks, they might hide in the closet when fireworks are shot off. By this website, rotating them may help I assume that you can try closing the door ) and/or other! All it has suddenly and significantly increased away when they never used to live in the.... 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