I’m so glad you said something. They worry that their dog may be lonely when left alone. If they’re sweet and playful and always get along with the other dogs at the dog park, they may be fine with a new dog of any gender. I’m hoping to get her a doggie playmate so she won’t do those things anymore.” This plan is like walking across a freeway blindfolded. I have been around a lot of dogs, of all breeds. Also, if you already have a dog you should … So it's not necessarily true that female dogs match well with male dogs, younger dogs or older dogs make better second dogs, or that two puppies always … 16 Good Reasons for Adopting a Second Dog. As a general rule of thumb, if you have one gender dog, usually it is the safest bet to choose a dog of a different gender. I’ve had 2 dogs so I know about the cost and everything that comes with having 2 dogs. Quite a bit, actually! A puppy is less likely to challenge an older dog. opposite sex. When she sees other dogs outside, she goes crazy, it doesnt matter if its a male or female. Physical fights may occur as dogs of the same gender fight to become the alpha. Some of the loveliest, sweetest dogs I know are pits. Physical fights may occur as … Dogs of the same sex have to determine the “pecking order” and fight for which one between them ought to be deemed the pack leader of the two. she lost her best bud gus about 1 year. they where always. Top 5 Dangerous Foods for Pets on Thanksgiving. Just for future reference, will choosing a certain gender be an important decision? If possible, have a fence or barrier separating them (rather than having the two on leashes, as this can spark some aggression for some dogs). For this reason, many pet parents avoid exacerbating their pup’s melancholy by simply adopting a live-in companion for their pooch. One way to avoid the battle for supremacy, is to avoid getting same-gender dogs of a similar age. She is very territorial. Experts tend to agree that, for the best possible chance of success, the second dog should be the opposite sex. Before we jump into how to determine if you’re ready for a second dog, let’s quickly cover some of the potential pros and cons of expanding your canine family. Ok done with my book lol, I have a 9lbs female Shih Tzu who is 15 months old and I want to get a female Maltese puppy to join our little family. Read on to find out what experts say about the subject! Adding a second dog will only add stress to an already happy canine. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I have enough love to give another dog and she would be great companion for my Shih Tzu but I want female dogs cause I like putting bows in their hair & little dresses with a male I really can’t. Your email address will not be published. Or does "getting along with other dogs" have nothing to do with the sex of the dog? Generally, a second dog of the opposite sex is a good idea for most families. Fun fact for anyone else who comes across this article and is as disgusted by the “pugnacious pit bull” quip as I was – American Pit Bull Terriers actually rank ABOVE Golden Retrievers for stable temperament. Required fields are marked *. But if you have one male and one female, each can be the alpha of their own gender, reducing the risk of fights. Pet health, nutrition, and all things pet! Some of the major benefits of getting a second dog include: Your dog will always have company. We’ve been considering getting another dog in the near future so I will definitely have to take this advice into mind when looking. She barks and digs and destroys things. Dogs of the same sex have to determine the “pecking order” and will fight for which one ought to be deemed the pack leader. This has to do with dominance. He would hide and show shyness when approached. From a pair of incessantly reproducing guinea pigs, to chickens, fish, frogs, cats, dogs and horses, she became fascinated with animal behavior at an early age. It will make the gender issue less of a pressing matter, since the age gap will be the primary differentiating factor. According to behavioral specialists, yes, gender matters when getting a second dog. Have you ever owned multiple dogs at once? Turns out, it does! Less rivalry means they’ll naturally get along better. What does your pet need? A second dog that is much younger than the original pet. besse is fun and friendly and not agressive. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. This website is a growing collection of answers and tips to the most important topics for those who have a canine or feline companion (or two). Understand The Pros And Cons Of Getting A Second Dog. 1. Why you ask? Don’t worry too much about the gender of the cats involved. Getting a second dog can definitely enrich your family, but before you do, consider the consequences of adding another canine to your household. Required fields are marked *. How will your current dog feel? Second Dog Success Stories. May 9, 2019 - Does gender matter when adopting a second dog? How to choose a second dog? They all got along fine. Think about the size differences when selecting the second dog. We had other dogs but they have died of old age and now Nala is alone. They become deeply attached to their owners and families, and suffer greatly from loneliness, boredom or separation anxiety when left for long hours at a time. How you socialize your new pet applies to all breeds and sexes of dogs. - View our Disclosure and Privacy Policies. A toy-orientated dog kept with a scent-orientated dog will have little reason to compete, but two toy-orientated dogs may find toys worth fighting over, no matter how many toys there are. If you already live with a dog who displays bad habits like digging up the pansies and petunias in the backyard chances are that your new pup will pick up the same undesirable tendencies. In this time of sticky transition, take into consideration which kind of breed is more docile and easier to train. Neutered dogs are more likely to get along. According to Pet Care Facts, a s a general rule, if you currently have a dog, it is usually safest to adopt a dog of the opposite sex of your current dog. Then I got this l’il cute Mojo. As the second puppy grows, the older dog will have time to adjust to the addition without being threatened by it in any way. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. She's only 12 weeks, so I don't plan on getting another one anytime soon, but we DO want another one someday. In general, when it comes to deciding whether you should get a male or female, opposites tend to work best. Adult cats will usually accept a new kitten much more easily than they will accept a new adult cat. Does Dog Gender Matter? As a matter of fact that quote made me question the authors knowledge on animals overall. But I would take into consideration the gender. Many people get a second dog to keep the first dog company. What about the gender of the new dog? Since puppies are in the stage of their life when they’re easiest to train, you’ll be able to quickly teach them what kind of behavior isn’t appropriate when around the other dog. Welcome to Pawversity! 4. If your current dog is a puppy, they’re likely to be more receptive to a new dog or puppy entering their life, regardless of gender. If the two seem open to meeting and interested in one another, then you can at least see that there is hope. People are coming to this page to read advise. Now I’ve been debating getting another female puppy that is a Maltese. A male dog will have fewer issues with a new female dog, and vice versa. we are thinking of getting a puppy as a new frind. First, though, let’s start with some general information about how to choose a second dog. ). However, it’s not a step to be taken lightly. However, with proper leadership, females can peaceful coexist with other females, and males with males. I’m glad I didn’t know this then because I love our family the way it is. Your Current Dog’s Gender. 4. If you are choosing a second dog for the family, should you get a male or female? Does gender matter when selecting a second dog? You should typically select a dog with the opposite gender as your current dog. A female instead of a male. It also helps if the new dog is younger. You should also take your current dog’s age into account when deciding whether to get a male or female second dog. Hopefully, these tips will help with that decision. Your email address will not be published. Any dog can be pugnacious I don’t think she meant bad just that if your not experienced it’d be hard to control all that muscle even a rottie some would be harder to control if they had an active stubborn temperment and u didn’t have experience to train them well its the dog and training not breed mostly bulldogs are the sweetest lovable lapdogs ever though i have seen big active dogs not properly trained become very hard to handle sadly then the owner doesn’t want it because it’s a nuisance and it’s not his fault. are two females a bad idea. If you decide you really want a second dog at some point, then be sure to get some help from a dog trainer or behaviorist . I just really don’t know what to do. Most dogs will generally engage in exploratory nipping, sniffing, growling and barking at the initial introduction; but this is just a natural part of the process! If your dog has any history of fighting with other dogs or any kind of dog-dog aggression, then adding a second dog is not a good idea yet. she loved her old partner gus who died at 12. she has become more receptive to other dogs since he passed but i am wondering if the gender of the new pup will matter. Occasionally, I see clients who are hell-bent on adding a second dog to the home and, unfortunately, the first dog does not enjoy the company of other dogs at all. We currently have a female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. You’re asking for … Both temperaments are unhealthy and create a negative environment. kk, I have a shitz he is 5 years old and always been on his own I feel he needs a play mate that’s why I asked what sex to get. Dogs are social creatures. I love love love the Maltese. Gender really matters when adopting a third dog because of the dominance levels of the other dogs at home. Boy Meets Girl. To avoid potential conflicts between the two dogs, you’ll want to make sure to make the best choice. When considering whether to get a male or female, you should definitely consider your current dog’s temperament. I think these tips on finding your next dog is very helpful, I know my sister took a long time deciding on her second dog but it was probably for the best for both dogs now. In each pack there is usually a top male and top female dog. Our hope is to make petcarefacts.com not only a comprehensive resource for dog and cat lovers, but also a fun place to interact, share experiences and explore all that our furry family members have to offer. As puppies grow up, the possibility of dominance fights may increase. The Worst Reasons to Get a Second Dog If the reason for getting a new puppy is among the ones below, I recommend that you wait. although she is not a fighter she takes awhile to be comfortable with other dogs. Regardless, make sure to introduce them carefully, give each their own things, and be ready to correct any bad behavior. Should you add a dog of the same or opposite gender or does it really matter? thnx. Good advice depends a lot on the dog too though. The short answer is yes, gender does matter when selecting another dog to bring into your home. Any advice would be great. I will tell you the pits bulls are some of the most snuggley, lovable dogs. Should you adopt a dog of the opposite sex? 25-mei-2020 - Dogs Depot Confess: Does Gender Matter When Adopting a Second Dog? However, there are plenty of factors to consider before jumping in and purchasing the first fur-ball who licks you on the face. Does your dog prefer playing with males or females? Posted by Esther Johnson | Tips & How Tos | 6 |. In most situations, it is easier for a male to live with a female. Hopefully, these tips will help with that decision. I agree with Sarah completely! Otherwise… we where thinking of getting another female. If you have one of each, they won’t be vying for the same position. If you have an older dog, adopting a much younger dog will make the transition easier for your adult pup to get used to. I wanted the extra time to bond with my first dog, properly obedience train him, and make sure I had most of his issues under control. There are chances that the dogs become hostile towards one another fighting for who’s alpha! my wife and i are both retired and have been raising dogs (mostly pairs) for along time. Knowing the right things about your first dog will help you make a decision about selecting the sex of your second dog. "I got Fluffy first, and he was very shy and fearful during the first few days. I currently have a female Samoyed who is beautiful and affectionate with everyone. Responsible pet ownership necessitates personality-pairing between pets (as best as one can), and thoughtful consideration to the kind of home environment one desires both for the family as well as for the pets. Adding another dog to your family can be a lot of fun, for both you and your current dog! Of course there are exceptions to this; I had two female rescue lab mixes (from two different backgrounds, years apart) peacefully live long and happy lives with me. Having grown up in Northern California with 4 siblings, Esther was bound to have a plenty of pets in her childhood. You’ll know a bit about the two dogs’ compatibility when they meet, but you’ll have a better idea of their relationship once they’ve been living together for a few weeks. I’ve read so much about the pro and con about the subject. We are looking at getting a smaller dog I.e Maltese and wondered if they would be suitable, i have a female half rotty half great dane . A male Dachshund can think of himself as so different from a male Greyhound that he doesn’t even consider starting a fight and instead the two become good friends. There is already such a stigmatism on these poor innocent dogs that are raised by idiot people, and you’re helping to seal their fate. So if your current dog lunges at other dogs while out on walks, barks incessantly or noshes on shoes and furniture, sign him up for obedience and behavior training before you introduce him to a new, highly impressionable companion. Sure, there’s a chance the gods will smile upon you and you’ll escape unscathed. In general, when it comes to deciding whether you should get a male or female, opposites tend to work best. - Custom Design by CEO of Me. I’ve never had more than one dog at a time but I think if I were to get a second one, I’d bring the first one with me to the shelter! Generally speaking, it is better to have one of each. Who Gets the Pet(s) After a Relationship Breaks Up? “Pugnacious Pit Bull” However, German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers, and other breeds with strong, dominant personalities are likely to have a harder time cooperating with other dogs of the same gender. Cats are territorial, and your cat may resent an adult feline intruder. Only get a second dog when we have good control over our first dog, and have ensured that he is mostly well behaved. Your email address will not be published. You’ll simply have two dogs that aren’t getting enough attention. Does the gender of the new puppy make a difference? we have 2 females one was older when we got the second she was a puppy she hated the puppy (she hated sharing attention she loves all animals just not one she had to share us with) and took a long time to get used to her now they’re both dominate (they don’t actually fight) but they respect and tolerate eachother. She was very inquisitive and very playful right from the first day. I felt the same way after reading that. Male dogs like to follow their owners around, while females tend to be a little more laid-back and aloof. For the most part, yes. If you’re adding a second dog to your family, the experts recommend adopting a dog of the opposite sex. I also though your last section on the size of the two dogs was also very interesting, I never considered that aspect! “My dog drives me crazy. A male dog will have fewer issues with a new female dog, and vice versa. I've heard that if I get a male puppy, she would get along better than if it was a female. Bear in mind when the introduction is finally made, the dogs will require patience while getting used to each other before they become amicable companions. What breed will mix best with your other dog as well as your family? Same sex aggression is an issue in many breeds of dogs. Another unfortunate side-effect of adopting a second male, is that one dog will usually overpower the other and live with bossy unchecked bravado, while the defeated dog will develop into a submissive and skittish creature. Does she need a young pup that can lead her in games at the same energy level and intensity? Getting a second dog won’t fill a void left by your lack of time. If you have very territorial male dogs who have difficult times sharing, then you’ll want to consider adopting a female dog. I have a female chihuahua mix and planning to get another chihuahua mix. For examples, a moderately active family with a lazy female Shih Tzu might want to adopt a sturdy athletic male Labrador who is great with kids, and can keep up on family hikes. We love dogs and cats and work to create a helpful and useful resource for those who love their pets as much as we do. Thank you for touching on all of these points. However, a male Saint Bernard meeting another male Saint Bernard sees a dog of equal size and may view the other male as a threat. But there’s always a chance for conflict. In particular, you’ll want to consider carefully what gender to adopt. she 9 yrs old . But really? Mojo, a 7-week-old German Shepherd Dog puppy, with Fluffy, a 4-month-old mixed Fox Terrier. But if you do get another dog of the same gender, a pair of males may be less likely to get into fights than a pair of females. Two male dogs are more likely to compete over food, toys, and their owners’ affection. Laid-back breeds like Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, and Golden Retrievers are more likely to be fine with dogs of the same gender since they have such dog-friendly temperaments. Male/female – The sex of a second dog really depends on some personality traits of your first dog. This has to do with dominance. If your current dog is small and your next dog is going to be big, it’s possible they won’t consider themselves similar enough to be worth having dominance fights. It’s more than twice the fun. If you want a contest caliber dog that you can take to shows, study suggests a male dog might be the best choice, while the female might be better if you don’t want a dog that is around you every single second. Sometimes going opposite sex can be a good thing when getting that second dog, but in some cases it really doesn’t matter. To help you out, here are a few points to consider when deciding if you should Get a Male or Female second dog! Generally, a second dog of the opposite sex is a good idea for most families. If you know this preference, consider adopting that gender. I have a pit who is the absolute sweetest dog ever!! Before You Choose Dog Number Two Let the dogs meet on neutral territory. We have an older female and when we went to adopt a second dog we initially looked for a male, but fate had it that the only dog we liked at the shelter that our older dog approved when we brought her to meet them was a female puppy. The possibility of dominance fights may increase the two dogs that aren ’ t worry too much does gender matter when getting a second dog. Knowing the right things about your first dog, and all things pet the pro and con about the of... Comes to deciding whether you should also take your current dog ’ s always a chance the will. It doesnt matter if its a male would be the better choice if you should typically select a dog the. Their pooch seem open to meeting and interested in one another fighting for who ’ s.... Just for future reference, will choosing a second dog ve had 2 dogs so i know are.! Young pup that can lead her in games at the same position, make sure to introduce them,! 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