I spoil her and give her so much love. Your dog will soon associate strangers with good things — namely treats — and won't run off when company comes over. Recently, she's been hiding under the bed all day. There’s no alternative spot in the house where your dog feels comfortable resting in. My house is very quiet and no arguing going on. If you aren’t able to identify any fear-induced causes then take your dog to the vet. 4. If the dog is infected by rabies, the disease affects the brain, so they may be hiding out of confusion. For kids, wetting the bed at night is a normal part of growing up. This is could be the case if you notice other symptoms; for example, … Your pup may hang out under the bed because she sees it as a nice, relaxing spot to snooze. The important thing we want to highlight is to not force your dog out, especially if your dog is in a vulnerable state. Dogs who have been abused or neglected tend to be understandably nervous and fearful and small places, like under your bed or in your closet, feel comforting and safe to most canines. Copyright © 2021 My Pet Child | About Us | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy. She doesn't eat until night time, when she comes out like a normal dog and eats. If we keep her outside she hides in the bushes. sound of fireworks) or something that you are doing (e.g. One of the most probable causes is aging. By petting him or telling him that he'll be okay, you're essentially telling him that his response is perfectly normal. recently when he comes into my room he instantly goes under my bed. Reasons for Hiding There are many reasons for a dog to hide under the bed, including illness, fear, comfort, the search for a safe sleeping area, the need to avoiding punishment or simply being upset due to changes in the household. Anxiety and Fear She has been going under the bed and staying there. 3 Reasons Why Your Dog Likes to Hide or Bury His Treats, 3 Reasons Why Your Dog Likes Your Pillow so Much, 3 Reasons Why Your Dog Lies on the Floor and Not the Bed, 3 Reasons Why Your Dog Likes to Sleep on Your Clothes. They found the behavior frustrating, but tolerable. A very common position dogs take when sleeping is to curl up in a ball, nose-to-tail. Here are some common reasons why dogs like to hide under the bed. The loss of a family member, whether two-or-four legged, can also cause anxiety in your dog. If you notice a pattern in your dog’s hiding under the bed, try to limit those situations so … He may be ill if he's otherwise housebroken, but eliminating in the house or vomiting due to gastrointestinal upset. Loud music and movies may also cause your dog to run for safety. Your Dog is Sick. If your dog suddenly starts hiding under the bed, it could be because he feels ill, according to Vetinfo. They conserve space in the den while protecting their offspring and sharing body heat. :) Your dog may be trying to be closer to you and to have a sense of comfort with your presence. Does your dog seem afraid of the dark? When dogs are sick or depressed, they tend to hide because they feel so yucky. In this case, that safe spot is under your bed. Another common dog sleeping position is when canines curl up into a little ball, says Dr. … You may, however, need to evaluate the situation if it’s a regular occurrence. I'm worried he's getting too skinny. When your dog is under stress, he may head under the bed to deal with his anxiety. According to some pet experts, dogs are “denning” animals: It is a dog’s instinct to sleep or relax in a small and protected space to feel warm and safe. why does my dog hide under the bed? Understanding why your pet keeps hidingis important as it will help you decide whether or not a vet’s attention is required as well as take respective measures to stop the behavior. Dogs like hiding items for a variety of reasons, ranging from natural instincts to underlying stress. The space under the bed could provide a great cooling spot for your dog during a hot summer night. Your email address will not be published. It can also help stop your dog from going to the bathroom inside the house as dogs do not like to make near to where they sleep. Your dog is sick or injured so she naturally goes to a safe spot where she feels the … Most kids grow out of it before their age hits the double digits, but that’s not the case for your dog. Your dog is sick or injured so she naturally goes to a safe spot where she feels the least vulnerable. Required fields are marked *. You might also have a carpet floor underneath the bed that isn’t as worn down so it could simply be a case of the area underneath the bed being a more comfortable place for your dog to rest in. That's because when your dog is afraid, she goes off to a spot she considers safe. You can also box up the space underneath the bed to prevent your dog from entering in the future. Just how over time a dog can establish his/her crate as a "safe space" where they can feel comforted, safe, and at home- dogs can establish other places as a "safe space" too! Susan Paretts is a pet expert with many years of volunteering for her local animal shelters. For example, if the dog is suffering kidney problems, they may hide to lie down and minimize pain. running the vacuum cleaner) that’s unintentionally scaring the dog. Crates simulate a den, and you can place them anywhere you want. It’s a harmless behavior but something that might get you worried since it could be an indication of a bigger problem. You have tried to crate-train your dog but she simply refuses to go inside. Some pups hoard their stuff in spots they consider safe, according to Cesar's Way. Dogs who hide in response to fear should not be treated roughly or aggressively as fear can sometimes turn to hostility if the animal is provoked. They started doing the same thing. I saw him using the lit … read more Some pet owners like to play around with their dogs. Make sure you provide an alternative resting spot before you block out the bed space. Sometimes, you just need to get away from it all. Make the crate a more appealing resting spot by placing your dog’s favorite toys and blankets inside. When they got a cat, the behavior worsened. My cat has all of a sudden be scared to eat and has been hiding under my bed. Does your dog like to squeeze into tight spaces such as the space under your bed? He has been there all night and this morning 12 hours. Perhaps a new pet is bothering him, or he's recently had a traumatic experience. Limit new things. And your pup may just have chosen under the bed as that safe spot. Your pup may hide under the bed because that's where she stashes her most prized possessions, including favorite toys and possibly your slippers. Just as a dog might bury a bone outside to chomp on later, she might also stash a bone under your bed. Your email address will not be published. Your pup can't travel by himself, though, let alone purchase a plane ticket, so he'll probably just head to the most appealing spot he can find when he wants to take a break. “If they’re not feeling so well, they might find a place to hide,” affirms … She ducks or rolls over when my family and I try to pet her, and isn't interested in treats. When a dog pees the bed, potty training is rarely the issue. Dogs will hide under the bed (or another dark, small area) mostly because they find it a comfortable spot to relax and take a nap. Once your dog feels better, he probably won't want to hide under the bed anymore. Whether your dog seeks shelter under your bed to prevent the mighty thunder monster from taking him, or in response to a perceived threat, comforting him while he's under your bed is the worst action you can take. You may need to give your dog some time to adjust to whatever is bothering him. 3 Reasons Why Your Dog is Scratching the Floor at Night A dog scratching the floor at night could mean a lot of different things, from anxiety to a medical condition. When dogs are sick or depressed, they tend to hide because they feel so yucky. 1. For you, that could mean a trip to the spa or a relaxing vacation. For example, if it's thunder that's prompting her to hide under the bed, play soft recordings of thunder while giving her treats, and lots of praise when she sits calmly with you. If we block off the beds she hides under the couch or in a corner behind a shelf. The space underneath the bed isn’t an ideal place for a sick dog to be in because it’s difficult for you to access. Your pup could be sleeping under your bed for a variety of reasons. Curling is the normal sleeping position for wild dog and wolf packs. According to Dr. David Dilmore, DVM, of Banfield Pet Hospital , dog hiding often occurs when dogs feel stressed, confused or … Last night out of the Blue my Tabby went under the couch instead of coming to bed with me and brother Alfa Cat. While their ancestors, wolves, have dens & other hiding spots that make them feel safe, your dog has to be a little more creative. If there is chaos in your house of any kind, your dog may go under the bed to find peace and safety. This explains why many dogs actually prefer their crates when left alone at home or to sleep in at night. Cesar's Way: Warning Signs of Dog Depression, Vetinfo: The 9 Most Common Signs of a Dog Being Sick, Vetstreet: How to Tell If Your Dog Is Anxious or Stressed, Animal Humane Society: Counter Conditioning and Desensitization, The Humane Society of the United States: Crate Training 101. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. You can also place the crate next to the bed and gradually make the crate the primary resting spot through positive reinforcement and positive association. 2. There’s something that’s scaring the dog and she needs some time in a safe space to make sure everything is okay. As unusual as it may sound, that relaxing getaway spot may just be under your bed. Some dogs might develop a sudden fear and restlessness at night. When a dog thus decides to hide under the bed or couch for hours at a time, it becomes a point of concern. When disease is affecting the dog, when different organs are affected, different symptoms emerge. Others like to cuddle up with them while watching TV. This dog sleep position provides the dog with awareness upon awakening because their senses are heightened to movements, sounds, and scents. The regular occurrence of bed-hiding behaviors may also indicate a major issue with your dog. Here are the more likely reasons why your dog pees the bed. If you’re following the tip on in our Bringing Your New Cat Home article, Kitty is in … Give the dog a treat and plenty of praises once she made her way out. You could also provide your dog with an alternative to her under-the-bed lair by giving her a crate, recommends the Humane Society of the United States. Learn why dogs hide things, and what to do if the behavior becomes a problem. If your dog suddenly starts hiding under the bed, it could be because he feels ill, according to Vetinfo. Aging can affect your dog’s personality and behavioral changes. They’re Physically Ill or Injured. They are great if you want to keep your pup out of your bedroom, especially if your dog's loud snoring is keeping you from getting a good night's sleep. As we mentioned earlier, there’s no real harm to this behavior so let it be if your dog is only hiding under the bed every once in a while. Illness or Injury There, he can get a little peace and quiet, along with a rejuvenating nap, especially if he's stressed out. As " den animals," … He eats out of my hand or out of the can if I am holding him. The family changed her into an outside dog when she began hiding under beds for hours at a time. What do I do?? You might notice that when there's a thunderstorm outside, your dog immediately makes a beeline under the bed. Slowly increase the volume until she doesn't react to the sound anymore. Why does my dog suddenly spend all day and night, except for walkies time – under the bed? Pay close attention to your dog the next couple of days and try and identify the potential cause of the bed-hiding behavior. Some dogs scratch floors so much that they end up messing up the carpeting or hardwood flooring with their constant digging. Instead, just leave your dog alone and wait till she eventually comes out. sometimes he'll even bring his bones under and chew them there. This kind of concern could be the result of many different factors. he adjusted well at my house and is a great dog. The Donut. So my dog has had access to an outdoor doghouse for seven years now and he only would be out in it when we put him out there or if it was a really nice day. I'll see her come out but as soon as she sees me she runs back. She is a graduate of USC with an MFA in Professional Writing. i adopted a medium sized mixed breed from the kennels i work at. Sometimes dogs are looking for a safe space. If strangers and guests scare your pup, you can change that behavior by having your guests feed yummy treats to her on their next visit. She has been published on a variety of pet-related websites including The Noseprint, GoFetch, Cuteness, PawNation and The Nest Pets among others. Below are some of the most common trigger… This tends to be a common reason for dogs that suddenly hide under the bed. In this case, it's best to leave her alone when she hangs out under the bed. I am really worried about my dog. Keeping them in your bed or bedroom during the night helps them avoid getting into things they shouldn’t be in and undertaking activities that they should only do when supervised. A trip to the vet is definitely warranted if your dog shows any sign of discomfort or fear. Provides a Cool Environment Your vet can prescribe medication to treat your dog's anxiety. Your Dog is Sick If you sleep with another human in your bed, then your dog is probably just trying to find any open space to be close to his pet parents. Consult with your veterinarian if your pup is hiding under the bed all the time. For dogs who have recently started hiding under the bed, it's best to take them to a veterinarian for a checkup. It could be something beyond your control (e.g. 3. Some dogs become anxious when many children come into the home and tease the poor fella. When They’re Asleep. Sometimes, dogs will hide under beds and use that space as a safe sanctuary while they are … This is could be the case if you notice other symptoms; for example, your dog is lethargic, a little grouchy, or he's not eating well. He is a normally cheerful chap who goes out for his … When your dog is tucked away under the sheets, she feels surrounded, even swaddled and feeling firm pressure has been suggested to improve brain chemistry for anxious dogs. My dog is acting strange, hides under the bed my dog is not acting like himself and he just wants to be under my bed when he always sleeps on the bed and also doesn't have much of an appetite my dog is is acting strange he just wants to be under my bed and doesn't really want to eat please help Dogs hide, too — and dog hiding is actually pretty common. Your vet can run tests to determine if anything is wrong and treat any medical conditions. The space underneath the bed isn’t easy to access so that can create problems if you find yourself in a major emergency (e.g fire) and you need to leave your house as soon as possible. Your dog could be anxious because of a recent move to a new house, or there's been a new addition to your family. When you want her to come in at night don't use your new recall word. Sudden changes often indicate a more serious problem. To curb this behavior, you can use counter-conditioning and desensitization techniques to get your pup comfortable with whatever may be scaring her recommends the Animal Humane Society. If your house is not filled with chaos, it is best to make sure your dog is not physically in pain or ill. A dog that experiences a lot of pain and/or feels vulnerable, for example, can hide under the bed for long hours to protect itself from any outside environmental threats. 1 Certain breeds of dogs will even seem to prefer to burrow for entertainment. Why is My Dog Suddenly Scared at Night? Dogs are den animals, and she may view the area under your bed as a big cave where she can snuggle up. Or maybe when company comes over, your pup scampers away and heads for her under-bed hiding spot. Therefore, if you notice that your dog's behavior has changed or that its sleep routine has changed, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian as soon as possible. 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