If your pet rabbit is not working out, don’t just open the door and let it hop out. It is true that some domesticated (companion animal) rabbits can come in almost this exact same speckled brown colouring – which is when it can be most confusing to tell them apart. I’ve loved rabbits for as long as I can remember, so it felt natural to share my passion for lagomorphs with a much wider audience. If the rabbit approaches you, they are seeking help. You cannot lock a rabbit in a hutch all day. Facebook, in particular. The sight of rabbits hopping and playing is a common one for people in rural territories. If the owner of the rabbit gets in touch, you must surrender the animal. These will reveal if the rabbit was born free or escaped captivity. Hares are usually the much larger of the two species. Domestic rabbits have wide, round eyes and chubby cheeks. First, ensure the rabbit is healthy. Take the rabbit’s temperature. Less obvious in appearance is a domestic rabbit with agouti coloring. Pets are considered property under U.S. law. Be aware though; some domesticated rabbits … A responsible owner would have microchipped the rabbit. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures) →. Head Shape. You can tell if a rabbit is wild or a pet by looking at its size and shape. The rabbit will also likely be missing its human owners. To the layperson, wild and domesticated rabbits look identical. Do not shout or make any sudden movements. Required fields are marked *. A rabbit guardian will provide the rabbit with it’s favorite timely and an unlimited supply of hay. This will terrify the animal. It may take them another 4 to 6 weeks to fill out into their usual 2-3 pound weights as they grow to be anywhere between 12 and 20 … Domesticated rabbits end up on your property for several reasons. How Intelligent are Domestic Pet Rabbits? In fact, there are many different kinds of domestic rabbits and some of them can reach sizes of more than ten pounds. Your email address will not be published. And, of course, they also have the adorable little tail that looks like a swab of cotton. Lay the rabbit with his head towards her stomach and tail on the edge of her knees. Tempting though it may be, it’s never a good idea to bring a wild animal into your home. Pet rabbits are fed and protected from predators, so they lack the instincts to survive in the wild. Appearance: The obvious domestic stray is a lop-ear, albino, or spotted individual. The differences are, in fact, so pronounced that domestic rabbits and wild rabbits could not even breed with one another, were they given the chance. You may think they both look alike, but they’re relatively easy to tell apart once you know how to recognize how they differ physically. How can you even tell the difference between the two? If the rabbit has a microchip, a phone call will likely identify the gender, and history of the rabbit. You can't tell, but a vet or shelter can (kind of). Do you have enough space in your home to accommodate a rabbit? Can I Keep a Lost Domestic Rabbit as My Own Pet? Some domestic rabbits, however, do wear the colour of their ancestors. Do not attempt to handle the rabbit. Another sign of an anxious rabbit is being aggressive. Leave the hutch open at night, with food and water, as they’re more likely to come home at night. Long Answer. Your chances of achieving lasting results with an animal that has a life expectancy of a year or so is incredibly low. If your rabbit has survived their adventure, they’ll likely make their own way home eventually. Agouti is the natural coloring of many small animal species, including cottontails and jackrabbits. Likewise, you should never attempt to tame a wild rabbit. Check lampposts, and the windows of local shops and homes. The rabbit may be trying to get home and has grown disoriented. Hares are the same color (Or white in the winter in the north) but have very long ears and long back legs, usually. Let’s take a look! Wear gloves before touching the rabbit. Finally, a stressed rabbit will appear very nervous. The natural, or "wild" coloring of hares, cottontails, and European rabbits is the same: known as "agouti" coloring. Give the rabbit a provisional once-over. If you cannot find anything, check social media. Rabbits are often seen eating grass, flowers, and vegetables in our gardens. Nevertheless, observing a few behavior changes can give you the idea of a rabbit’s estimated age. This is not the best thing for the animal. The shock and fright of unwelcome handling can cause cardiac arrest. They may have a local group dedicated to your area. Your standard wild cottontail rabbit will feature brown fur, a build of approximately 1-2 pounds, and skinny legs that keep them swift on their feet. This is not to say that your pet rabbit will never encounter a … Furthermore, during the development of the rabies vaccine by Louis Pasteur, bunnies were used for diagnostic testing and they are very vulnerable to this disease. No wild rabbit would trust a human. For the most part, the majority of wild rabbits look pretty much the same. Domestic rabbits come in a great variety of colours, including the wild rabbit's agouti colouring, and weight ranges from about 2-3lbs to as much as 16lbs or more. Instead investigate the options in your community for disposing of the rabbit. Let’s take a look! Domesticated rabbits lack the instincts required to survive in the wild. This is assuming that you can accommodate the rabbit in your home. Apply gentle pressure with your fingers to find your rabbit… There are 14 breeds of rabbit found in the U.S. though, none of which are domesticated. Never, under any circumstances, force a rabbit to interact with you. How to Tell If Your Rabbit is Sad or Depressed. Like all domesticated pets, a rabbit could escape and then almost immediately regret the decision. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy. Observe the size, shape, and most notably, the behavior of the rabbit. If you are prepared to help the rabbit, observe the following protocols. As the International Society for Animal Rights explains, microchipping is not a legal requirement in any state. Not only that but just judged on appearance you can tell: Wild rabbits are light brown in colour, whereas a domestic bunny usually has a spotted coat or albino fur, with droopy lop ears. Sometimes a female rabbit will be fine on its own. It can sometimes be difficult to know if these are wild bunnies or missing … Are you sure you have the time and patience to care for them appropriately? She should then lift and turn the rabbit onto his back. The best course of action is to try and trap the rabbit and get him to safety. 6+ Weeks Old. Domesticated rabbits have been carefully bred over many decades to ensure they have qualities that are suitable to the home environment. If they’re becoming a nuisance, erect a fence. Wild rabbits don’t belong indoors, and domesticated rabbits better stay inside. A hare’s ears are more prominent than those of a rabbit, and often have black tips. They need to run free, and be safe while doing so. If the rabbit is domesticated, somebody will be missing his pet. Even domesticated rabbits carry zoonotic diseases. How Can I Tell if a Rabbit is Wild or Domesticated? Non-domesticated rabbits will be afraid of humans as they are prey animals and will never approach us. A domestic rabbit will be noticeable by its droopy lop ears, spotted coat or albino fur. A lost pet will be scared and confused, and possibly hungry. Do you understand the complex needs of rabbits? Wild rabbits, especially, are skittish. Limpness is usually a symptom of severe dehydration, shock, or sepsis. A wild baby rabbit’s diet is similar to any rabbit. You shouldn’t try to house a wild rabbit with a domestic rabbit. It would be much more difficult to explain the traits of a domestic rabbit because unlike their wild brethren, their physical traits are not so monolithic. A stressed rabbit will fight another rabbit and may bite the rabbit guardian when the guardian is trying to handle or pet the rabbit. Have you done everything you can to locate the owner? Forget what you may have heard. Domestic rabbits are prone to becoming overweight when their natural diet is modified and they begin eating processed food. Unlike most other animals, male rabbits have a scrotal sac for each testicle, and they are not behind the penis but at each side, and slightly forwards, nearer the belly. Can Wild and Domestic Rabbits Live Together? Things to look out for include: If you encounter a rabbit and wonder if it’s wild or domesticated, just wait. It takes the hormones this long to leave the body. Domestic Rabbit Rescue Q&A with House Rabbit Network April 20, 2020 After the premiere of our recent film, Remarkable Rabbits , viewers had additional questions about domestic rabbit rescue and care. If you only have one rabbit, you can give it some companionship, but it will still be lonely at night or when you are away at work. All rabbits have large ears, prominent teeth, and fluffy tails. Keep it close to you to transfer your body heat or wrap it in a soft hand towel … This is even true of a rabbit that has been mistreated. Though often weighing less than a pound at this point, their instincts will begin to keep them safe in the wild as they rely solely on whatever food sources they can forage. Baby rabbits are easy to discern, since they're very tiny and born blind and deaf! Its eyes will also be narrower – almost almond-shaped. If the rabbit has its head arched back and mouth open, it’s probably too late to save it. The head of a wild rabbit will be longer and thinner. Alternatively, you can do some detective work yourself. For the most part, the majority of wild rabbits look pretty much the same. Conclusion. I'm having so much trouble trying to tell the difference. Keep the rabbit calm. We still see this color often in our domestic rabbits (see Figure B). But how do you know if the rabbit you see is a stray or even domestic? Without a microchip, if you can't find testicles assume it is a young rabbit (of either gender) or an unaltered adult female. The rabbit may be hungry or thirsty. When you know what to look for, the differences between wild and domestic rabbits become clear. Offer water, and some fresh fruit or vegetables. If you do not have a domestic rabbit, you may not understand their food. The size discrepancy is the easiest way to differentiate between rabbits and hares. I found a rabbit in my boyfriend's yard and I have been looking up internet articles on how to tell a domesticated rabbit from a wild rabbit. If your rabbit is breathing, call a vet immediately. They’ll become sick and stressed, and often die. If that’s not a sign that your new pet situation isn’t working out, what is? If you’re still unable to find an owner, take the rabbit to a vet. How to Tell if a Rabbit is Wild or Domestic? Featured Image: skeeze and MikesPhotos from Pixabay. Physical Traits of Wild Rabbit Image: skeeze from Pixabay. Some rabbits escape captivity, too. Wild rabbits, meanwhile, will not cope with being domesticated. As a means of surviving, rabbits tend to have very nervous dispositions. Food is usually a great motivator. Another easy way to know if a rabbit is male or female is to check if you can notice the testicles. Wild rabbits will generally use this when approached. If the ears are upright, the rabbit may be wild. A pet rabbit is raised by its keeper with care and love. No wild rabbit native to the U.S. has floppy ears. Wild rabbits do not cope well with confinement. Wild and domestic rabbits are equally adorable, but looks aside, what exactly do they have in common? You should also observe its behavior as pet rabbits are likely to come towards you if undisturbed. If a child has lost his rabbit, their first thought will be to place these. How to Tell if my Rabbit is Male or Female - Easy Tips Best animals.onehowto.com. Just bear several things in mind: If you answered yes to all of these questions, you have a new family member. Keep your distance, staying still and quiet. Unfortunately, the outcome for a domestic rabbit released into the wild isn’t likely to be very good. Adolescents usually have unmarred coats and spend a lot of time playing and exploring. Keep in mind that wild rabbits typically only experience a life of a year or so under the best of circumstances. Wild bunnies are even able to release a guttural noise that sounds quite a bit like a human scream. If the rabbit’s owners cannot be tracked, the vet may refuse to help any further. You will never get a wild rabbit as big as a Flemish Giant or as small as a Netherland Dwarf, or with floppy ears like a Lop, or that are ginger-coloured or black and white. Observing the rabbit will reveal if it’s wild or if it’s escaped from captivity. In theory, if the owner of a pet rabbit cannot be found, you can keep it. If you see any, take the rabbit for professional help. Your standard wild cottontail rabbit will feature brown fur, a build of approximately 1-2 pounds, and skinny legs that keep them swift on their feet. Some people may jump straight to a digital notice, hoping for a faster response. Talk to the animal in a rhythmic, singsong tone of voice. However, if the bunny hasn’t reached this state, it’s possible to revitalize it. You could take the animal straight to a vet for this. This will give you easy access to the genital area. An escaped pet knows that humans can provide safety and food, though. To tell the age of a rabbit, assess the rabbit's overall appearance and behavior. Are you certain the rabbit is not wild? Research … While you should never say never all signs indicate that it isn’t a good idea to try. To find the precise age of a rabbit is impossible until the guardian can identify the exact date of birth of the rabbits. Domesticated rabbits are less likely to run away. If you have a dog or cat carrier, encourage the rabbit to enter it. Let them approach you. It means the rabbit is frightened and trying to protect him/herself. Wild rabbits may look just as cute and cuddly as their domestic alternative, but they are going to have an incredibly difficult time adjusting to life in your home. But a house rabbit lost in the wild world will find it difficult to place for hiding. Attempting to engage may frighten the rabbit. These are the sorts of questions we will be looking at in this article, so read on for everything you could possibly need to know about wild and domestic rabbits! Any free animal should be left alone. Consequently, a domesticated rabbit may not even be able to find food in the wild. The discrepancies in their appearance and behavior are distinct. One and a half months into their lives, wild rabbits are considered fully adult. Expect your rabbit to be lonely. Bottom line? While domestic rabbits are social and prefer to live in groups, the wild rabbits are more likely to do their own thing anyway. They both have that 'aguoti' coat, thaat flecked brown, white, black coat and looks like th photo below, it's a wild rabbit. How to tell how old a rabbit is? So, say you catch a wild rabbit. If not, the rabbit is unsafe and needs to see a vet. Regardless of domestic or wild, all rabbits tend to run and hide if they are scared. Some domestic rabbits can have longer or more decorative fur such as angoras or lionheads whereas a wild rabbit’s fur will be more uniform (and shorter than the fancy domestic breeds) throughout their entire body and is … Your email address will not be published. They will shrink, shake, and whimper at your touch. Ears. What To Do If You Find a Lost Domesticated Rabbit, How to Check the Health of an Escaped Pet Rabbit, How to Reunite an Escaped Pet Rabbit with the Owner. If you are confident that you have located a domesticated rabbit, you have two primary responsibilities. If … The rabbit may have dug a tunnel, ending up in your yard. Therefore, both domestic and wild rabbits can have rabies. Look for any signs of bleeding, or another injury. These rabbits would not survive in the wild. This should be between 100 – 103 degrees Fahrenheit. You may also need to catch a domestic rabbit running around in the wild that someone has thrown away, as domestic rabbits are not adapted for independent survival in nature. If you do not have a domestic rabbit, you may not understand their food. If the rabbit is wild, leave them be. Never forget that all rabbits are prey animals. i have a small baby rabbit and i dont know if its wild or domestic, i cant ask a vet since there are no vets in my country i cant ask the one who brought it because they dont what breed the rabbit is please help me how can i know Some pet owners still release domesticated rabbits into the wild. They won’t get along. If the rabbit is safe and healthy, try to locate its owners. For example our Chinchilla bunny has a typical weight range of 13-16lbs which is even more than our New Zealand's typical weight of about 10lbs, and New Zealand's are known for their large size! Consequently, they are not even the same species as outdoor rabbits. Wild rabbits have long, narrow faces; pet rabbits have plumper cheeks and wide, round eyes. Rabbits are a lot of work. Symptoms of rabies in rabbits How do you tell if a rabbit has rabies or what symptoms do you expect it to have? PetKeen.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. What Happens if You Release a Domestic Rabbit into the Wild? The rabbits we keep in our homes are specifically bred to be domesticated pets. I've seen wild rabbits before but the rabbit that I saw looked WAY WAY WAY DIFFERENT from the wild rabbits that i've seen in my state (Connecticut). We should start by saying that the difference between the two beasts is not simply a matter of having a roof over their heads. A wild rabbit’s coat will also be coarser than that of a domesticated rabbit. Most wild rabbits are shades of browish and are not solid colored but have tiny specks in the fur. If the rabbit gets out into the wild, then it can be difficult to catch, but this is quite feasible with the help of friends and using the walls of prefabricated pens. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Wild rabbits tend to have little or no color variations, being primarily brown (except white phase snowshoe hares), and are usually just a few pounds when full grown. Once a rabbit is sterilized you should wait 6 months before introducing them to the rabbit they will be living with. You can usually tell if a rabbit is wild or domestic by looking at its physical traits. How you should treat a rabbit depends on whether it is wild or domesticated. Though domestic and wild rabbits look similar to the untrained eye, the two are better off not meeting. Remember that domestication is almost never something that happens in real time with a single animal. You may want to wear gloves since you are going to be touching a rabbit's genital regions. Wild buns do not take to captivity well (excluding wild born domestics, the European or pet rabbit), whereas Domestic buns do quite well and will commonly live to be nine or ten years of age. All of the traits rabbits have that make them suited for the wild have been bred out of the house breeds. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Not even a professional or an exotic pet vet can tell the precise age of a rabbit. Rabbits are creatures of instinct. Will A Wild Baby Rabbit Survive in Captivity? Here are some guidelines. Tell her to use one hand to grasp the rabbit's scruff and use her other hand to scoop under his rump. Most often, a wild rabbit will be a Cottontail. Secondly, do what you can to reunite the animal with his or her owner. All pet rabbits are breeds that originate in Europe. So, it makes sense that you’d want to know how to tell if a rabbit is wild or domestic. If appearance doesn't tell you, observe the rabbit's … This means they’ll have contact details for the owner. If your rabbit is limp and not moving, you should first check for breathing. Domestic rabbits can live a good deal longer than that indoors, but they may not survive a week in the wild on their own. How do you tell if a rabbit is wild or domestic? This does not mean the animal has been mistreated. It’s a process of breeding and trait selection that unfolds over many generations. Unfortunately, it isn’t so simple as that. Is that all it takes to make it domestic? You should try to find the owner of an escaped rabbit. Despite this, there is a range of differences. The animal knows that humans can offer safety and comfort. The first step is to keep it warm, especially if the animal is cold to touch. If the orphaned baby rabbit you’ve found isn’t moving, check to see if it’s still breathing. Is the little cottontail hopping around in your front yard a decent potential pet? They’ll hesitantly approach you for help. Is it even possible to domesticate a rabbit? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you suspect your rabbit is overweight, there are certain signs that can help you determine that, such as:. Owners may have released the rabbit. It is clear that these animals can have this deadly viral infection. You can usually tell if a rabbit is wild or domestic by looking at its physical traits. An avid animal lover, Roland started this blog to help all varieties of pets and their owners on their journey to living their best lives. If the rabbit cautiously approaches you, then it’s domesticated. In the wild, it would be with other rabbits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. look just as cute and cuddly as their domestic alternative, a domesticated rabbit may not even be able to find food, 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures). You may also notice that your rabbit has cold ears, or feels strange when you pick it up. Wild rabbits are much smaller than domestic rabbits, with adult Cottontails weighing up to 1.81 kg (4 lb) and domestic rabbits reaching more than 4.54 kg (10 lb), according to breed. You may be able to approach them and scoop them up, especially if tempted with a yummy treat. Check your local area for ‘missing’ posters. Sadly, this may not be the case. If you are shopping around for a domestic rabbit, the chances are pretty good that you will be able to find something well suited for your home. Breeding and trait selection that unfolds over many generations a symptom of severe,... The two of the rabbit 's scruff and use her other hand to scoop his... Behavior of the two beasts is not the best course of action is to keep it warm, if! Doing so that, such as: all it takes the hormones this long leave... Some domestic rabbits and some of them can reach sizes of more than ten pounds for this, round.. Larger of the traits rabbits have long, narrow faces ; pet rabbits are easy to discern, since 're! Happens in real time with a domestic rabbit, you can do some detective work yourself s diet similar... 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