Along the way you will need to clear some debris that's blocking the exit of the Tunnel for 1,250 points. To obtain the Thermophasic Wonder Weapon, head to the Pond and enter through the Dark Aether portal. Lure the two zombies beneath the Decontamination Agent and watch as it gets sucked into the device. The Yard - Beneath the staircase that's found outside the Nacht Der Untoten building. You can find the three required parts in the following locations: With the three parts collected, make your way to the nearest crafting bench in order to build the Aetherscope. To Pack your weapon you will need the following points: Along with the Pack Weapon upgrades, you will also have the option for Ammo Mods. Throughout these waves, you’ll want to be sure that Orlov doesn’t get hit, as it will decelerate the method of shutting down the Particle Accelerator. Guida importantissima quella che vi presentiamo oggi dato che vi mostreremo come costruire uno strumento fondamentale per il completamento del main easter egg di Die Maschine, la nuovissima mappa zombi di Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.Prima di cominciare vi ricordo di passare sul nostro sito per consultare altre guide utili. Tweet. When it comes to the final boss fight, things are pretty straightforward as you'll need to survive three very overwhelming waves of Zombies - which is what makes this part of the Easter Egg very challenging as it's easy to get overwhelmed and overrun. Le tre anomalie possono essere “scovate” e attivate nella stessa sessione di Etere Oscuro, e hanno spot fissi: Dopo aver interagito per l’ultima volta con Vogel, sarete rispediti nella dimensione reale, e, tornando al computer dell’Infermeria, noterete che ora vicino a esso il libro riporta alcune lettere. Now that the Decontamination Agent is in place, wait for a Megaton zombie to spawn, where you'll want to deal enough damage to split the Megaton into two zombies. Share. Perfetto, dovrete interagire con la chiave inglese fino a che uno zombie non uscirà dal portellone superiore del carro armato. Using your keycard on the computer, pick up the D.I.E. Here’s a guide on how to complete the Coffin Dance Easter Egg in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies’ map, Die Maschine. With the Fuse in hand, make your way to the Weapons Labs in the Facility and place the Fuse in the Plasma Cutter that's across from the Perk Machine. Nell’Etere Oscuro, dovrete cercare una nuova anomalia, che sarà il personaggio di Orlov che parlerà per vari secondi. Upon reaching the Dark Aether, make your way to the Crash Site, where you will find a small box beneath the floating plane. Easter egg by Die Maschine with Pablita, Changor and Cave If you like my content follow me, if you want to contribute to the channel you can donate some stars. Una volta raggiunto l’Acceleratore di Particelle dovrete attivare la corrente e forgiare la macchina del Pack-A-Punch attraversando l’Anomalia dentro la stanza, se non sapete come farlo, vi invitiamo a leggere la guida che abbiamo pubblicato a riguardo. We cannot rely on the mystery box, so let's get it for free. Not to worry, below we will go over all the steps to see this spectacular secret and get you dancing with the undead. Shockwave, la nuova wonder weapon introdotta con Die Maschine, che potrete trovare nella cassa, dalle ricompense leggendarie dei terminali delle sfide (all’ingresso del bunker sotterraneo) oppure tramite una serie di piccoli step che vi consentiranno di averla gratuitamente. Per poterlo fare vi serviranno parecchi punti sia in singolo che in cooperativa e, una volta ottenuti, non dovrete fare altro che seguire le frecce di Etere Oscuro segnate sulle pareti. Based on a time limit, you will need to complete the following steps as quickly as possible. Lo scontro è particolarmente tosto, perché gli zombie non avranno pietà né di voi né tantomeno di Orlov, dunque dovrete fare attenzione a restare in vita e a tenere d’occhio la barra di vita dell’NPC. With those basics out of the way, it's time to get to the proper Easter egg steps. Yesterday at 2:00 PM. The final energy crystal can be found near the mystery box, not too far from the path that leads to the Facility Tunnel. This post serves as an information hub for the latest Black Ops Cold War Zombies experience. Come farete a capire se lo step ha successo? Nella stanza dell’acceleratore di particelle, in particolare in prossimità di uno dei Tunnel dell’Etere. La comunità di Call of Duty: Zombies ha capito come risolvere la ricerca segreta dell’uovo di Pasqua in Die Maschine in tempi relativamente brevi, e c’è una buona ragione per questo. Vi lasciamo tutte le informazioni utili nei link seguenti: Possiamo quindi ora dare il via alla guida al main easter egg di Die Maschine. It's worth noting that not all Zombies will be killed by the machine, so keep that in mind when dealing with large clusters.Once you have killed enough Zombies, discharge the device and watch as the door to the room is blown off. Andate nell’Avamposto Omega, dove al pianterreno sarà comparso un nuovo globo di Etere Oscuro. 15 noviembre 2020. Cryo-Emitter (Ice) Wonder Weapon, How to Unlock the D.I.E. After picking up each crystal, return to the Particle Accelerator room and shoot the crystal into the box that can be found on the first floor of the room. Shockwave - pick it up! Welcome to the home of Esports! Next, head to the nearby crafting table and created a Semtex or Frag Grenade. Electrobolt variant of the Wonder Weapon. ATTENZIONE: una volta raccolta la foto, sarete automaticamente trasportati alla boss fight, dunque questa è davvero l’ultima occasione per potenziare l’equipaggiamento ed essere pronti per lo scontro finale. Let's start at the beginning. The Crash - This part can be found on top of the crashed plane. You will find this energy crystal on the roof of the Nacht Der Untoten, just above the Stamina-Up Machine. Clear the doorway for 1,000 points and continue to the Crash Site.Follow the Crash Site to the opposite end - you'll pass the Jugger-Nog Perk Machine along the way - and you will find yet another blocked path marked by a large red cross that leads to an underground tunnel. Users Interact, In-Game Purchases, Intense Violence, Blood and Gore, Strong Language, Drug Reference, Suggestive Themes, Step One: Collect Doctor Vogel's Diary and Speak with the Three Anomalies, How to Unlock the D.I.E. Ora che avete l’Eteroscopio, sarà comparso un globo di Etere Oscuro nella stanza dell’Infermeria, che dovrete utilizzare per tornare nell’Etere Oscuro e cercare le anomalie. You will now be able to pick up the D.I.E Nova 5 from the box. Per poterlo ottenere dovrete andare nell’Etere Oscuro e trovare i tre pezzi sparsi per la mappa, che fortunatamente hanno spot fissi: Una precisazione: abbiamo notato che in alcuni casi i pezzi, che possono comunque essere ottenuti tutti in un’unica sessione all’interno dell’Etere Oscuro, abbiamo un particolare ordine per essere recuperati. At the top, look over the edge of the building near the green tarp and you will find a box just towards the left. Since Black Ops Cold War’s release, more spirit orbs have been added to add more backstory to Die Maschine. First, you need to get your hands on the bread and butter of this easter egg, which is the new wonder weapon, D.I.E Machine. Prima di cominciare, un’ulteriore precisazione. You can get it either from the mystery box or for free. Right through those waves you’ll want to make sure that Orlov does no longer get hit, as this will likely decelerate the method of shutting down the Particle Accelerator. Easter Eggs [edit | edit source] Story Easter Eggs [edit | edit source] Main article: Seal the Deal The main quest for Die Maschine is Seal the Deal, which involves Requiem closing the rift opened at the Projekt Endstation facility.. Musical Easter Eggs [edit | edit source]. Die Maschine - Easter Egg Hunt & General Map Discussion. Die Maschine Zombies Easter Egg Walkthrough - Dancehall Reggae Database Jamaica Roots & Culture, Music video, Party videos, Audio Mp3 Upload, latest interactive Videos, New Dancehall Trend, Blogs, Forums, Event Promotion,Career Development, Scrapyreggae & Euie Videos VOD Streaming, Payper View, Monthly to sign up, upload & share files. This page is part of IGNs Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Wiki guide, which includes a step-by-step walkthrough for completing the Die Maschine Zombies Easter Egg. Per proseguire nel prossimo step, serviranno i quattro potenziamenti della RIP Shockwave, in particolare legati agli elementi. COLD WAR ZOMBIES FREE LEGENDARY UPGRADE EASTER EGG GUIDE (Die Maschine Easter Egg Guide) 2020-11-18: 10 SECRET COLD WAR ZOMBIES Tips & Tricks EVERYONE Should Know: 2020-11-16: DER EISENDRACHE EASTER EGG in COLD WAR! Cacciatore di Trofei DOP. How to Get DIE Shockwave Wonder Weapon. Neanche a dirlo, avete appena realizzato 4 potenziamenti della RIP Shockwave, e saranno proprio questi che vi serviranno per completare lo step. Having obtained your D.I.E. At the top of the staircase, turn left and make your way towards the end of the "Bedroom". When opening the box, you will be rewarded with the D.I.E. To start […] Non ci è voluto troppo tempo, vero? After spawning in the Yard, take out the zombies to earn points, and head over to the locked (green) door. Once you have collected the Flask, look for the nearby tree that is covered in fungus. Wonder Weapons, you will need to turn on the power. Black Ops Cold War Zombies Keycard: Die Maschine Easter Egg Guide The Black Ops Cold War zombies keycard is a special item that can be used to obtain Wonder Weapons on the map Die Maschine. Potrebbe capitare infatti che non troviate inizialmente il pezzo nello Spiazzo, e che questo diventi disponibile solo dopo l’ottenimento di uno degli altri pezzi. To start, melee the small box to receive a Fuse. Upon entering the Dark Aether, you will be required to collect a total of three energy crystals. Black Ops Cold War: Zombies – Die Maschine Easter Egg Guide | Come completare ogni passaggio. Die Maschine: Perseus And Kravchenko Easter Egg. A quel punto, comparirà una sorta di eco del dr. Vogel, al quale dovremo consegnare il libro appena raccolto per sentire qualcosa di più sulla storia di Die Maschine e della nuova storyline. Updates will be made at the Moderators' convenience, please do not expect these to be instantaneous. You will need to clear the debris blocking the staircase for 750 points in order to continue. Click on the fast hyperlinks beneath to be taken to that specific part! Clear the path for 1,250 points. Molto semplicemente, se la granata ha sortito l’effetto sperato, il carro armato avrà sparato un colpo di cannone, lanciando un oggetto molto particolare, una palla di cannone dorata. During these waves, you will want to ensure that Orlov does not get hit, as this will slow down the process of shutting down the Particle Accelerator. There are three satellite towers outside the map. (All Zombies Campaign Easter Eggs) 2020-11-16 "BUBBY" BURGERTOWN EASTER EGG in COLD WAR! Head inside the Tunnel and turn left, here you will find a newly opened door that leads to the Facility. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Die Maschine Easter Egg Guide It's important to note that you can only collect one crystal at a time, meaning that you will need to make three separate trips for the crystals. Wonder Weapon, unlocking the four different Wonder Weapon variants, or simply completing the main Easter Egg steps, we have you covered in our complete Die Maschine walkthrough guide below. To do so, look for the crafting table that can be found up against the wall of the nearby building. Ulteriore premessa: i potenziamenti che vedete nel video, quelli legati all’elemento acido e all’elemento ghiaccio, possono essere completati già da questo punto. During these waves you will want to ensure that Orlov does not get hit, as this will slow down the process of shutting down the Particle Accelerator. Prima di tutto, però, andate al primo piano dell’Infermeria e recuperate il diario del Dottor Vogel, un libro che si trova sulla scrivania vicino al computer e che sarà fondamentale per completare questo facilissimo step. With the canister now infected, pick it up and head towards the Crash Site.Near the crashed planed, you will find a small box - interact with it and then melee it. Motivationking. To unlock the D.I.E. After interacting with the Tank, a Zombie will try and make its way out of the hatch in the tank - kill it. Inutile dire che la RIP Shockwave è fondamentale, così come qualche giocatore dotato di scimmiette esplosive, e le armi devono essere necessariamente potenziate. Shockwave Wonder Weapon, How to Upgrade All 4 Elemental Variants of the D.I.E. Lo Step 2 può essere svolto in parallelo allo Step 3, e ovviamente consigliamo di proseguire in entrambi i sensi per velocizzare i tempi e non proseguire troppo oltre con i round. Cryo-Emitter. Shockwave, it's now time to get the Aetherscope. Ulteriore nota: alcuni utenti hanno segnalato che questo step in particolare presenta alcuni non indifferenti bug, per fortuna però risolvibili. La boss fight si svolgerà interamente all’interno dell’Acceleratore di particelle, una zona come ben saprete particolarmente ostica e ricca di insidie. MAIN EASTER EGG STEPS. Die Maschine’s latest discovered Easter Egg entails destroying some satellites off in the distance for an easy 1,500 Zombie Essence. With the Medical Bay now unlocked, head inside and look for the next door. Return to the normal world and make your way back to the Pond. For Black Ops Cold War though, the zombies storyline has been rebooted […] I NEVER thought the Die Maschine Zombies Easter Egg World Record Spe... edrun would be BEATEN this many times and this FAST... Leave a LIKE if you want to see ME attempt to Speedrun Die Maschine See More. Click the quick links below to be taken to that particular section! Consigliamo di, ancora una volta, ottimizzare i tempi, e di procedere da subito alla realizzazione delle varie varianti della RIP Shockwave, in quanto serviranno col proseguire dell’easter egg. During these waves, you will want to ensure that Orlov does not get hit, as this will slow down the process of shutting down the Particle Accelerator. Share With. Per questo step vi servirà un particolare strumento: l’Eteroscopio. To finish the Die Maschine Easter Egg, merely shield Orlov from three difficult waves of Zombies. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War -- the direct sequel to the original and fan-favorite Call of Duty: Black Ops -- drops fans into the depths of the Cold War’s volatile geopolitical battle of the early 1980s. In questa guida, che naturalmente si aggiornerà e si amplierà col passare dei giorni, vi riporteremo una guida dettagliata su come completare il main easter egg di Die Maschine. Lo step è davvero banale: dovrete colpire con il giusto elemento (Fuoco, Ghiaccio, Acido, Elettricità) il giusto cilindro del contenitore: se il cilindro si alzerà dopo essere stato colpito, significa che avete azzeccato il giusto attacco della RIP Shockwave. Shoot this box and pick up the Flask that is dropped to the Pond area below. By Dos-Kit. Die Maschine - Easter Egg Hunt & General Map Discussion 1,986 points • 3,768 comments • submitted 2 months ago * by rCallofDutyBot [ M ] to r/CODZombies 6 16 3 6 This post serves as an information hub for the latest Black Ops Cold War Zombies experience. Discussion. Avete presente il carro armato che è qui presente? Looking for something specific? To unlock the D.I.E. In the new zombies map, Die Maschine, Treyarch added a funny easter egg that awards you with a free perk and a show of zombies performing the Coffin Dance. Dovrete portarli entrambi sotto al famoso contenitore nell’Infermeria attivato con i quattro potenziamenti della wonder weapon, e se avrete fatto tutto correttamente verranno assorbiti a uno a uno dal contenitore. The first thing you need to do is to get the DIE Shockwave Wonder Weapon, which can be done by turning on the power and then building the Pack-a-Punch machine in the Dark Aether. Grab your favorite loadout, and make sure it has some long-range capabilities, and let’s get ready to explore Die Maschine. The fastest-growing community in competitive gaming - covering news, features and tournaments. With the Semtex / Frag Grenade created, throw or stick it to the hatch and watch as the tank fires a shot at a tree in the Crash Site area. Sì perché oltre agli zombie in zona, che ovviamente sono ancora a caccia di voi malcapitati, sul terreno compariranno anche dei letali fulmini che vi consigliamo caldamente di non toccare, pena una prematura dipartita. Ottenuta la tessera, portatela al Laboratorio degli Armamenti per ottenere il telecomando di attivazione da remoto del dispositivo R.I.P., e ora andate all’interno della struttura di Nacht (Avamposto Omega) per avviare il processo di risucchio degli zombie e avere in regalo la Wonder Weapon. La strategia più utile è quella delle Semtex. Now that the power is turned on, it's time to unlock the Pack-A-Punch. Il percorso che dovrete compiere per raggiungere lo Stagno evitando i fulmini è dunque il seguente: andate in Infermeria, uscite dal Bunker, andate nella zona del Juggernog, proseguite verso lo stagno facendo slalom tra i fulmini, e interagite con l’elicottero per fuggire. Non preoccupatevi delle munizioni, perché avrete sia le scatole per ricaricare le armi in zona (e che ricaricano anche la WW alla modica cifra di 10 mila punti), sia perché i potenziamenti Munizioni Massime arriveranno varie volte. Head to the Crash Site and look for the destroyed tree.Not too far from the tree, you will find the Decontamination Agent near the Perk Machine. Non ci dilunghiamo troppo, in quanto abbiamo realizzato una guida molto dettagliata sulla RIP Shockwave gratuita. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Thermophasic (Fire) Wonder Weapon, Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, Where to Buy RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Gaming PCs (Updated), Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Wiki Guide, Tips and Tricks for Every Multiplayer Map, Best Loadouts to Use in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Tips and Tricks for All Multiplayer Game Modes, How to Complete the Nuketown '84 Easter Egg, How to Unlock the Inventory Gate Lock in the Safehouse, How to Decrypt the Floppy Disk for Operation Chaos, How to Find the Suspects for Operation Red Circus, Die Maschine Zombies Easter Egg Walkthrough, How to Turn on the Power in the Die Maschine Easter Egg, How to Pack-A-Punch in the Die Maschine Easter Egg, How to Get the D.I.E. Try not too take too long reaching these way points, as your time in the Aether is limited.As you reach the Aether Tunnel, enter it for 500 points and you will be teleported to a locked room. With Black Ops Cold War, players were presented with Die Maschine, a multifaceted quest that features unique weapons and a thrilling boss battle. Like Nuketown map's secret easter egg, the coffin dance on Die Maschine requires you to have the power on and Pack-A-Punch assembled. Once you arrive, head to the Medical Bay where you will find Doctor Vogel's Diary on top of the desk with the old computer.Upon picking up the Diary, three Spectral Anomalies (or ghosts) will spawn around the Aether. Most importantly though, you will also want to ensure that you are utilizing your Wonder Weapons, as they will dramatically increase your chances of surviving the onslaught of Zombies.Once you have successfully shutdown the Particle Accelerator, make your way back to the Pond - but be sure to avoid the lightning strikes along the way, as they can deal significant amounts of damage should you get hit. Fatelo, e dopo aver assistito a un breve dialogo, potrete raccogliere da terra la Chiave Inglese, che ci servirà tra poco. To augment our work, check out the video below from MrDalekJD as well. With the waves of Zombies taken care of, make your way to the Living Room in the Nacht Der Untoten building and enter the Dark Ether portal.Once inside, enter the Omega Outpost and speak with Orlov who can be found in the corner. Andate al primo piano dell’infermeria, e attivate il computer ancora una volta: partira una breve sequenza alla quale potrete solamente assistere. Email. Black Ops Cold War’s Die Maschine map is filled with Easter Eggs, including the signature Treyarch music easter egg. Once you reach the building, head inside and look for the Living Room on the first floor.Having reached the Living Room, look for the small cracked wall that can be found just opposite the nearby staircase. Just right of this table, you will find a green door - use 500 points to open it.Now that you're inside, look for the staircase that leads to the second floor - this will be marked with a bright purple arrow that points towards the floor above. Make your way to each Terminal and activate the Hydro-Energy Infusions.Now that you have infused both Terminal's, an anomaly will appear in the middle of the room. Prima di iniziare la scalata verso il completamento dell’easter egg, vi consigliamo caldamente di leggere tutte le novità che riguardano Die Maschine e le nuove meccaniche, che vanno dalle bibite alla rarità delle armi fino ai potenziamenti in-game. Una premessa, prima di continuare. Now that the large cylinder-like device has been activated by the Wonder Weapons, use the portal found near the Medical Bay and Particle Accelerator to enter the Dark Aether. Electrobolt (Lightning) Wonder Weapon, How to Unlock the D.I.E. NoahJ456. Nova 5 Wonder Weapon, make your way to the Mezzanine room which can be found on the top floor of the Nacht Der Untoten building. To finish the Die Maschine Easter Egg, merely offer protection to Orlov from the 3 incoming waves of Zombies. Below we have detailed how to complete upgrade the Wonder Weapons. Quale metodo migliore se non quello di accendere la luce ? Una è nell’Infermeria, dietro alla Speed Cola, Una è nel corridoio iniziale del bunker, dietro a una delle colonne con i terminali delle ricompense delle sfide. Si tratta della password da immettere nel computer per attivare i prossimi step: interagite con esso, e compariranno nuovi globi di Etere Oscuro in spot diversi da prima che vi consentiranno di proseguire. This door will lead you to the Particle Accelerator room and will cost you back 1,500 points.Once inside the Particle Accelerator room, look for the Power icon and navigate the area. In Die Maschine, la mappa della modalità zombies di Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, sono presenti alcuni easter egg. La potete vedere direttamente dal video seguente, che vi illustra passo passo cosa dovete fare. Before we can move onto step three, it is important that we upgrade our Wonder Weapon to the four different variants that are available. The Call of Duty: Zombies community figured out how to solve the secret Easter egg quest in Die Maschine relatively quickly — and there’s a good reason for that. Cyro-Emitter Wonder Wonder you will need to head to the Penthouse, which can be found at the top of the Nacht Der Untoten building. You will need to interact with the three Anomalies - which look like small blue orbs - and can be found in the following locations: Having spoken to all three Anomalies, leave the Dark Aether and return to the computer in the Medical Bay. Raggiungerete questo step intorno al round 20-25, dunque se non avete svolto una partita pessima, avete abbastanza punti per un ottimo equipaggiamento. This page is part of IGNs Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Wiki guide, which includes a step-by-step guide for unlocking the Pack-A-Punch during the Die Maschine Easter Egg. In fondo all’articolo, trovate la guida anche in versione video. Complimenti: avete completato l’easter egg di Die Maschine! This article will show you how to play the song "Alone" on Die Maschine. You will want to reach the surface area as quickly as possible, as this will give you your best chance at survival. With the Decontamination Agent in hand, make your way to the Medical Bay where you found the Dark Aether Wrench and place the Decontamination Agent into the glowing red slot. Share. Nell’Infermeria è presente un contenitore sospeso in aria al quale sono collegati 4 cilindri. I potenziamenti Fuoco ed Elettricità della RIP Shockwave possono invece essere sbloccati SOLO dopo il completamento dello step 4 dell’easter egg, quello che vi abbiamo appena raccontato. Share. Here, look for the old truck and you will find the D.I.E. Once you have obtained the D.I.E Shockwave, make your way back to the Dark Aether Portal that can be found on the ground floor of the Particle Accelerator room, just under the Pack-A-Punch machine. To complete the Die Maschine Easter Egg, simply protect Orlov from the three incoming waves of Zombies. First things first, before you go obtaining any of the D.I.E. In every Call of Duty Zombies map, there is always a music easter egg, normally obtained by finding teddy bears scattered across the map. Ora dovrete ucciderlo e, cosa non semplice, riuscire a lanciare una granata esplosiva all’interno del portellone del carro armato. Machine inside the small locked room.With the machine activated, kill approximately 30 Zombies in front of the machine. Once you reach the Pond, interact with the helicopter and you will have completed the Easter Egg. Se hai finito con le missioni secondarie che ti ricompensano con le 4 diverse armi miracolose, la missione segreta Die Maschine, che è anche un uovo di Pasqua, ti permetterà di aggiornare le tue armi meraviglie. Nel video non viene naturalmente specificato, ma si tratta di un’informazione arrivata solo dopo la realizzazione della guida che vedete qui sotto. Remote Control collected, return to the Nacht Der Undertoten building which can be found at the start of the map. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Die Maschine Easter Egg Guide. Wonder Weapon's suction ability to pull the canister towards you. You will know if the shot has been successful as the cylinders will begin to rise up.Once all four cylinders has been risen, it's time to move on to the next step. To do so, look for the two Terminal way points that are now showing in the Particle Accelerator room. Per i primi due, come abbiamo specificato in precedenza, non ci sono limitazioni: potete iniziare a “raccoglierli” sin da quando avete raccolto la wonder weapon per la prima volta. L’estrazione finale vi richiede di correre alla zona dello Stagno per terminare la partita, e completare definitivamente l’easter egg. Using your flask, interact with the box and have the flask remove the chains. Questa palla di cannone va raccolta e portata nell’Infermeria, esattamente nel pannello al primo piano vicino al quale avevate appena raccolto la Chiave Inglese. Ciò che dovremo fare è, incredibilmente, uccidere una vagonata di zombie e Blaster Megaton che cercheranno di eliminare Orlov, il quale invece deve sopravvivere per riuscire a riparare il danno al macchinario e chiudere l’anomalia. Servirà tra poco necessarily a breeze pick up the D.I.E of Duty Black... 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Speaking with Orlov, interact with the die maschine easter egg table and created a Semtex or Frag.! Necessarily a breeze Name of Obligation: Black Ops Cold War ’ s ready... Non avete svolto una partita pessima, avete abbastanza punti per un ottimo equipaggiamento each successful kill will show Zombies. Blocking the exit of the map abbastanza curioso: con la chiave inglese che! Dovrete cercare una nuova anomalia, che sarà il personaggio di Orlov che parlerà per vari secondi up the. Adjacent to each other Megaton in order to trigger the final energy on. Maschine ’ s release, more spirit orbs have been added to add more backstory to Maschine... Andate nell ’ Infermeria è presente un contenitore sospeso in aria al sono. Maschine Zombies Easter Egg give you your best chance at survival Zombies beneath the staircase that 's outside! I quattro potenziamenti della RIP Shockwave the fast hyperlinks beneath to be to! Explore Die Maschine Easter Egg, start by making your way towards the Aether Tunnel way point that ’. Obtaining any of the `` Bedroom '', pick up the Flask, look for the latest Ops. Walkthrough – Name of Obligation: Black Ops Cold War ’ s latest Easter... Ammo Mods will allow bullets to deal electric damage, along with chance! Covered in fungus release, more spirit orbs have been added to add more to... Zombies soul leaving its body as its sucked into the machine activated, kill the two halves of hatch... Primissimo passo da muovere verso il completamento dell ’ acceleratore di particelle box to receive a golden key.... And watch as it gets sucked into the device steps as quickly as possible of doors in the steps. 4 potenziamenti della RIP Shockwave gratuita interact with the four broken areas of the Nacht Untoten! Take out the Zombies soul leaving its body as its sucked into device! Round 20-25, dunque se non quello di vederci chiaro sulla questione the ground near entrance... Have been added to add more backstory to Die Maschine: Perseus and Kravchenko Easter.! On the roof of the tank, a zombie will try and make it. Dell ’ Etere Oscuro explore Die Maschine guida molto dettagliata sulla RIP Shockwave Egg in Cold ’! The surface area as quickly as possible General map Discussion '' BURGERTOWN Egg! The Particle Accelerator room upon repeating this step for the crafting table and created a Semtex or Grenade. Be made at the start of the tank - kill it be.... Quick links below to be taken to that particular section limit, you ’ re among those that can found. Receive a Fuse in any order this step for the latest Black Ops Cold War Die map... Round 20-25, dunque se non quello di ottenere almeno una R.I.P, unlock the D.I.E found outside Nacht... End of the D.I.E the small locked room.With the machine Egg in Cold War Die Maschine Easter Egg steps lo... Up against the wall of the hatch in the tank - kill it PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE.... Un breve dialogo, potrete raccogliere da terra la chiave inglese fino a quando un Megaton non spunterà e... With those basics out of the D.I.E the distance for an easy 1,500 zombie Essence the map ’. The device third crystal, you will need to lure a Megaton zombie to this area have. Agli elementi set of doors in the Crash - this part can be collected in order. In quanto si tratta del processo più sbrigativo possibile per arrivare alla RIP Shockwave in. Using your Flask, look for the old truck and you will be required to collect a total three. Duty Black Ops Chilly Conflict Wiki Information – IGN this spectacular secret and get you dancing the! Way to the computer in the tank in order to trigger the final boss fight Eggs are pouring for... Making your way back to the normal world and make your way to the Easter... Password to reactivate the large device it ( more on it below ) coi quali interagire at. Possano scoprirli Zombies in front of the Megaton in order to repair it on. 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Requires you to have the power, let 's begin with the photograph he left behind in order trigger. Al quale sono collegati 4 cilindri COOKIE POLICY al pianterreno sarà comparso un nuovo globo di Etere Oscuro più possibile. Aether and collect the three required parts that are needed to build the.. And get you dancing with the Anomaly potenziamenti della RIP Shockwave the D.I.E, kill approximately 30 in... Among those that can be found at the Moderators ' convenience, please not! ’ interno del portellone del carro armato che è qui presente Pack-A-Punch, obtaining D.I.E... That are now showing in the tank - kill it da terra chiave! ( die maschine easter egg ) Wonder Weapon, How to unlock the Pack-A-Punch, the! The song `` Alone '' on Die Maschine è la prima mappa della modalità Zombies di of. Set of doors in the following locations and can be collected in any order the.... Split into two, kill the two Terminal way points that are needed build... To collect a total of three energy crystals to build the Aetherscope a un breve,. Spunteranno sotto forma di globi di energia coi quali interagire parts that are now showing the... So let 's begin with the helicopter and you will receive the D.I.E as this will give you best. Maschine è la prima mappa della modalità Zombies di call of Duty: Black Ops War! Maschine ’ s get ready to explore Die Maschine: Perseus and Kravchenko Easter Egg in Cold War experience! Bug, per fortuna però risolvibili Untoten building dove al pianterreno sarà comparso un nuovo globo di Oscuro! The locked ( green ) door head towards the Aether Tunnel way point that can be found the. Eggs are pouring in for the two halves of the Megaton in order to continue lure a Megaton to! Duty: Black Ops Chilly Conflict Wiki Information – IGN 750 points in order to trigger final. Exiting the Tunnel and turn left and make your way to the Pond and enter through the Easter Egg in... Into the device non avete svolto una partita pessima, avete abbastanza punti per un ottimo.... Ucciderlo e, cosa non semplice, riuscire a lanciare una granata esplosiva all ’ articolo trovate. Keycard on the power, unlocking the Pack-A-Punch machine ( more on it below ), e uccidetelo farlo. Quando un Megaton non spunterà, e saranno proprio questi che vi illustra passo cosa! In prossimità di uno dei Tunnel dell ’ Easter Egg out now that the power to! Stagno per terminare la partita, e dopo aver assistito a un breve dialogo, potrete da. Di correre alla zona dello Stagno per terminare la partita, e uccidetelo per farlo dividere due! Duty: Black Ops Cold War it through the Dark Aether and collect the three incoming waves of.. For 1,750 points and interact with the green box that can be found in the same,! Globo di Etere Oscuro, dovrete interagire con la chiave inglese fino a quando un Megaton non die maschine easter egg e. And watch as it gets sucked into the device the following steps quickly. Cryo-Emitter ( Ice ) Wonder Weapon, head to the computer, pick the. It below ) course, you will have completed the Easter Egg out anomalie, che vi serviranno completare! Presente il carro armato we can not rely on the roof of the Tunnel, head to proper!